Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

New Banner Baby!

Jun 10, 2007 Author: mytime | Filed under: Uncategorized

OK – HONEST opinions on my new banner! Do you like it or not?

I made it myself-literally! I stamped some images like you would a card and did some serious cropping and what not. I think its pretty cool. Im just so freakin proud of my self! “I” Lauren Meader figured it out! Its a miralce. I could do another on I was just playin with the idea. Just seeing if I could actually make my own.

I actually had another banner I wanted to do-seen here


AmyR sent me a link to this color website. Its basically a website of color combos. I saw this image and wanted it.  Anyway I emailed them and asked permission to use the image and got NO RESPONSE! This is what it would have been.

 I changed my banner  cause my site has a blue/gray/black base (I cannot control that cause its the only one to allow a custom banner without major issues!)

Anyway since I figured out how to make a banner made with the pre-exixting image (above) I thought it would be cool to try making my own.

Not sure If I will make another-Ill see what everyone thinks. So be honest!

Should I

1- Keep my new banner

2- Go back to my old banner

3- Make a new one-again! LOL!

Thanks for the input!

There are times in a mother’s life that make the bad days worth while!

I had several this week, and thought I’d share. Sometimes we need to focus on the little things. I had an emotional week but looking at it in whole it was a good week, so far.

Here is my angel

amber scared

We have had some MAJOR scary thunderstorms. Amber was very scared to go to bed and kept getting up out of bed. When Jason and I went to go to bed we found her asleep on the stairs with the light on in the hallway. She even took her precious purple flower purse with her. (NOTE: My Stairs look awful OMG! I am so painting them this weekend! I swear my house isnt filthy! LOL! I thought about photoshop editing them-oh well it is what it is, right.)

Doesn’t she seriously look like an angel? Her blonde ringlets and cute puckered lip’s. This is heaven. To me. I will miss this I know. She is my “baby” and the thought of her cuteness growing up KILLS me. I would freeze her at this age if I could.

Our second thought was “Oh no! Imagine if she had fallen down the stairs!” YIKES.

Next photo is Alexa. I cannot tell you how much each day of her life has always meant to me. Since conception I have fought for this child. When she smiles like this it makes every tear, and battle worth it all. I would give me life for her health and happiness. She sees the world in a way I only wish to. She is the picture of strength. She is everything I hope to be.

She LOVES the park. This was taken on her class Field day.

alexa park

She looks just like her biological father. SOMETIMES I see me. Just in her FIRE. She is a fighter. I like to think that is from me. Her hair grows then falls out again. I am so used to it I forget why people are staring-sometimes.

I hope God gives us a million more of these days.

Here is my little guy.


He had a t-ball game this past Saturday and did awesome. He was happy and played with the team without complaint! At the end he jumped up and down saying “I was AWESOME today!” LOL!

In this photo he was on 1st base, and he was tipping his head so I could get a proud mommy moment caught on camera.

He was very well behaved this week.

Now that is always nice. He can be the most amazing kid. He is SO much like me. I dont know if its a good thing or not! LOL! We clash alot because of that I think. I hope he grows into a man like his father. Some girl would be very lucky someday! He is so sensitive, and loving at times. I believe he will do so much with his life.

All in all the week has been good.

Alexa’s counts are low so we are praying those get better, but in all I am just thankful for my life. I am very blessed with all I have. I know people may think otherwise, but its things like what have happened in my life that really allows you to appreciate SO MUCH more than I would normally have.

With Alexa’s health issues every milestone has always been a huge blessing.

 Anyway, I figured Id share my good days, since I am always willing to share the not so good.

I would love to hear about a good thing that happned to YOU this week. Did you get new goodies, have someone say something nice? Whatever. Even the whole “my kids got along for 2 hours!” LOL! Lets hear it!

I’ve been tagged!

May 29, 2007 Author: mytime | Filed under: About Me, Uncategorized

Well It looks like I have been tagged by Sherry (aka BadSherry). I guess the challenge is to use ONE WORD for each answer. No explainations!  Lets see if I can do it. I’d LOVE to tag YOU as well, so feel free to reply to this with YOUR answers ok! 

Yourself: outgoing

Your Partner: amazing

Your Hair:   blonde

Your Mother:  sensitive

Your Father: alcholic

Your Favorite Item: stamps

Your Dream Last Night: creepy

Your Favorite Drink:  coffee

Your Dream Car: whatever

Dream Home: beach

The Room You Are In: office

Your Fear: heights

Where You Want to be in Ten Years: family

Who You Hung Out With Last Night: Jason

You’re Not: shy

One of Your Wish List Items: vacation

The Last Thing You Did: shower

you Are Wearing: nothing (just checcking to see if you are paying attention)

Your Favorite Weather: warm

Your Favorite Book: Hmmm?

Last Thing You Ate: twizzlers

Your Life: insane

Your Mood: happy

Your Best Friend: Jason

What Are You Thinking About Right Now: stamping

Your Car: minivan!

What Are You Doing At The Moment: DUH?

Relationship Status:  married

What Is On Your TV: v-smile

What Is The Weather Like: gorgeous

When Is The Last Time You Laughed: last night

WOW! That was hard. I wanted to “explain” everything! I hope you give it a try. Me being the chatty person I am it was NOT an easy task. I even broke the rules.

Now to tag 5 people HMMMM

Hopefully these are newer blogs to you

Robyn, Kendra, Kristen, Kim, Rebecca

If you reply to the tag on a blog link it here so we can all read it!

What’s WRONG with this picture?

May 26, 2007 Author: mytime | Filed under: My family stuff, Uncategorized


Can you guess?

Well Look at Amber’s arms! She spotted! She has a very strange circular rash on JUST her arms. It started tonight.

Does it not look like someone did the reinker technique where you put in dye ink (in this case red), and dish liquid, then blew bubbles and let it pop on her arm?

THAT is how I described this to the Doctor over the phone. HE is not a stamper, but I think he got my drift.

Its called a TARGET rash. Im surprised I dont break out in this every weekend when I need my shopping fix! LOL!

In all seriousness this is freakin me out. This is what they THINK she had. Its a response to a virus or a allergic reaction. “I” have never seen this before. On anyone. Ive worked in some crazy places and seen some crazy things (such as a man who ripped his indwelling urinary catheter out, and his penis ripped WIDE open : like a hot dog that splits down the middle when cooked too long. AND it healed that way! OMG! Let me tell you I did almost pass out when that happened. Everytime I took care of him it made me cringe seeing it) but never a rash like this.

So now we wait.

I just had to share the photo with you all.

BTW I offered to email the photos to the DR but they declined. HMMMMM.

Let hope it goes away tonight.

She so cute even with spots isnt she?

Mommy- Look what I made you!

May 10, 2007 Author: mytime | Filed under: Uncategorized

noah gift

Its moments like this that make being a mom worth it!

Noah (4yo) comes running off the school bus, with a HUGE smile on his face. He is so excited to show me what he has, he is stuttering to get it out! LOL!

He hands me this little plant, and says “Mommy look what I grew for you! I planted it and watered it all by myself and now its a flower plant you can keep forever.”

I almost cried! Tears welled up, and I was so touched.

Then he shows me this card, and opens it.

card noah

I made you a flower cause you always love flowers.

He was showing me that he drew Daddy, Noah, and Mommy. Him and Daddy are at the top playing XBOX so mommy can stamp! LOL! I almost died laughing. He said “See we are SO HAPPY! I even drew a heart for “love you”. ” Then he goes on ” I was really mad cause my name didn’t come out right, and I was gonna throw it away but the teacher said it was ok cause I drew a nice picture and you would live it”

And I do!!!!

Noah is a perfectionist. AND, While he has one of the easiest names in the world to write he often confuses the order. He’d rather do something BOY oriented than write. He sometimes gets it perfect other times not so much. This is frustrating for him. Im so glad he didnt throw it away.

Now lets pray to God I don’t kill the precious plant he grew for me! My HOPE is to give it to him the day he has his first child. Wouldn’t that be cool. My Mom gave me a plant she bought her first mother’s day after I was born. Its some sort of palnt no one could possibly kill! She gave me a piece of it. Everytime I look at I remember that story. It started out as just two leaves! Now its in my house, and ALL over my mothers house. I swear you can NOT water it for like 2 months and the sucker comes back to life. AMAZING!

Just had to share my happy day! I think I have quite the artist on my hands.

For a Cure!

May 8, 2007 Author: mytime | Filed under: My family stuff, Uncategorized

alexa 05               safari  Well, obviously Cancer research is dear to my heart, as my own daughter Alexa (now 7), has been directly affected. The photo’s above- The one on the right was Christmas 05-less than 2 months before we found out she had Leukemia. She was already “sick” then but we didn’t know just how bad things were. I HATE this photo. Its one that reminds you how you never know what’s around the corner. What tomorrow brings! Oh, also hate it because her hair was just so beautiful. I used to always do something cool with it. She hated when I messed with it. I miss her hair sometimes. Her treatment started Feb. 06, and she has another 1 1/2 years left, provided all goes well. Treatment is about 2 1/2 years long. Boys have 3 years due to the fact that cancer cells hide in the testicles. There have been MANY bumps in the road. But she is doing well. I cannot complain. She is here and for that I am thankful.

The one on the left is Alexa a few weeks ago at Disney. She had so much fun. I love this one because she looks good. Healthy and happy again. Still o hair, but her weight is back up to her pre-cancer weight. At one point during treatment Alexa lost almost 1/2 her body weight, and weighed LESS than her 2 yo sister. That was hard. Now she is back to MY ALEXA here.

Knowledge is power! And it leads to a CURE! I truly believe that one day, NO ONE will ever die from Cancer again! I hope I am around to see that day. They have made great stride’s over the years. As little as 10 years ago, Alexa most likely would have had a death sentence handed to us, with her diagnosis. Now there is HOPE! Hope for a CURE.

She has an excellent prognosis to beat this, and have it NOT return. Her type of cancer Pre-B Cell Leukemia is one of the highest curable forms of cancer there is (thank god). But we are always scared of the WHAT IF factor. There are also contributing factors that make up her prognosis, that YOU hopefully never have to know about.

Age is a huge factor. Adults don’t do as well as children with Leukemia. The fact of the matter is Cancer KILLS. Many people still die from this. BUT now many people BEAT IT! And they move on and LIVE their life. AMAZING!

Back to knowledge is power. Well yet another fact, knowledge is obtained through research. Alexa is on a chemo regimen that is under research. Her protocol is in the “works” of being tested. Many kids/people are under these programs to see “what” works. What happened during this phase and that. Some of that research helped save Alexa’s life in the early stages of treatment. They found certain treatments in kids ONLY with Down Syndrome would KILL them. Sorry, Im not trying to be harsh, this is reality. And this reality KILLS me to have to write about. I don’t want to be a “number”, a statistic of one who LOST anyone, especially my baby to this horrible disease! SO this is reality. This is what we live every day. The statisic! Will we be on the favored end? I sure as hell hope so! I BELIEVE so! I HAVE to!

But I don’t just sit and hope other people will make it happen! I try to do MY part to help. Not just by having Alexa in this trial, but my supporting research! Research cost money. Another cold hard fact. But you can help. The smallest amount adds up! Think how much you spend on coffee a day or some other luxury. If every person even gave $1! Think how much that would be! I know I sound like a telemarketer or something,  But its not going into my wallet, its going into resources that are used to saving peoples LIVES. That is priceless! Especially if it were your child, mother, husband, friend-anyone you love. Don’t say it won’t affect me or my family. You never know. TRUST ME on that.

Anyway, there are so many ways you can help!

My friend Tracey is walking for a cure. This is her Relay For Life. PLEASE check it out. She just lost her uncle William “Bill” Mahoney Jr. to Lung cancer April 21st. She also decided to walk in honor of my daughter Alexa’s fight!

I am personally donating my time to our town’s Relay for Life in June 23rd in Concord New Hampshire. I will be doing a project with attendee’s from 7pm-10pm. They are going ALL night to raise money! I am doing my part to give back.

Also in case you didn’t know Missy B Designs, designed a stamp set for Alexa!

ALL procedes from the sale of this set go to pediatric Leukemia and Lymphoma research!

Alexa decided what she wanted for images (groovy girls of course), and even has a stamp with her “signature” in it!

Check it out!                                                 

Thanks so much for reading my rambles.  If you can remember Alexa in your prayers.           ears

Lots to announce! Enabler Alert!

May 6, 2007 Author: mytime | Filed under: Uncategorized

Good morning PSF’s!

Hope you are having a nice weekend.

I have lots of info to share with you today~

The Winner of Mytime Mail is going to be POST # 29! Teresa you are the winner. Email me your address! Here is what Teresa writes-

  • # Teresaon 04 May 2007 at 10:38 pm

    My birthday is Oct. 10. My fav birthday memory is when I turned 16. My sister’s boyfriend hired a gorilla to deliver roses to me and my sister (her birthday is 3 days after mine!). He then took us both out to dinner. I just remember the look on my sister’s face – total disbelief that there was a gorilla in front of the house singing Happy Birthday to us.


    ALEXA’s MAKE A WISH- her scrapbook pages have been posted  here-mytime fan club! View each page in her exploding book of love! I need to spend some time and comment myself. I can tall you that the pictures don’t do the actual pages justice. BIG THANKS to all!

    Check out this months Stampers Sampler-I’m on page 16! Funny thing is I submitted the card 2 YEARS ago! LOL!


    There is a blog called Craft Critique that gives unsolicted opinions on crafting. Under their Carnival of Altered Items they have listed my Time For Tea gift set! Check it out. Im extatic to be amongst lots of talent listed there!!!

    GREEN GRASS STAMPS SALE! (this is copy/pasted from Tammy’s email)

    Mother’s Day is coming up, so in honor of all those moms-to-be out there (well, and everyone else), we’re having a sale — now through Monday, you can get our latest set, Baby Shower, for $17.99 ($4 off it’s regular price!).  It’s all you need for baby shower invitations, but it’s great for birth announcements and baby cards as well, with a pretty quote, a long scallop stamp, a big curvy bracket and lots more (20 stamps in all).  Check it out, you’ll like the new store.  Oh, also — my favorite font, Chase, is also on sale for $29.99 (normally $34.99), so grab that for $5 off through Monday.  It’s a pre-order, though, so it won’t ship for a couple of weeks. 

    Announcement #2 is that we have a blog.  It’s updated six days a week with new ideas from our design team.  Which brings me to announcement #3…our design team! 

    The Green Grass Girls are:

    Sherry Cartwright
    Elizabeth Kartchner
    Lauren Meader
    Laura Mendoza
    Becky Novacek

    Check out their posts, they’re all super talented stampers and really neat people.  I’ve been impressed by them and inspired by their creativity.  Aww…  😉  


    eP is having a sale that ends today in honor of National Scrapbook day. Save 15% off your entire order when you enter in this code: NSD09


    Check out some of the NEW! Products at All That Scraps! They are getting a boat load of new stuff this week and next! PLUS she is getting more Bitzy Bugz soon too! They also have ALL the Bazzill cardstock ON SALE all the time! Plus the Bazzill ink. Im seriously falling in love with this line of paper.

    MY FAVORITE THINGS- Want to win 3 stamp sets FREE?? Go check out Kim’s blog for all the details. All you need to do is what you do best-STAMP!

    I have a club meeting today with my Stampin Up! customers and it will most likely be my last. SO I hope we have a good time! Enjoy your Sunday!

    Tomorrow and maybe later tonight I have eye candy for you all! SO check in again later-

    new technqie

    This was me Saturday after a shopping trip in RI for a stamp and bead expo. I had fun and met some cool friends from SCS!  My sad face was because my pockets were empty! No more MONEY!!! I challenged my PSF’s to use everything they purchased this week! I swear I have used some fo my stuff but can’t post it- but will get to share soon!

    If you want to see some of MY eye candy you can go see a Mother’s Day card by me HERE, along with my cards story! Leave a comment and let me know wht you think!


     I’m so sorry for my abscence. Today was INSANE! Alexa’s para (teachers aid) started today, she had a nurse visit (no word on her counts yet!), mulitple therapies, my computer shut down, the oil guy came, my kids were killing eachother (seriously Alexa has a nice black eye! , and I was attempting to stamp cause Ihave deadlines!

    Did you notice my NEW BLOG BANNER?? Do you not LOVE it?! Beth (aka My Precious) made it just for me! She worked closely with me and listened to every detail I wanted. Im extatic over it! It is just SO me! My birthday is Thursday so it came just in time.

    Well first I think I should announce the winners of the card and MYTIME MAIL! Selections made by computerized random selector- PLEASE email me your addresses!

    MYTIME MAIL was #31 Alex (aka sillybirds) who writes

    Okay, this is so much fun, ha ha

    1. I live in beautiful Dorset, United Kingdom by the beach!!! yipeee
    2. I have three beautiful girls, 3, 7 and 9
    3. I have been with my only ever boyfriend and now husband for 19 years
    4. I used to be a pampered chef consultant but prob due to the fact I hate cooking did not last past about 10 shows!!!! he he
    5. I am addicted to Coca Cola (not the fat free variety either, yikes) which probably accounts for all the extra lbs I have accrued over the years
    6. I am also addicted to SCS and stamping and I cannot get enough and just don’t have enough money, like most of us poor stampers
    7. I simply cannot wait until Stampin Up hits out shores quite how much it will all be or how it will work over here is still a mystery but I am soooo excited

    Thanks for such a great treat – hugs to you all xx

    The card winner was #3 Beth who wrote-

    hi Lauren – these are both very cute cards! your photo setup is very cool and your photos are very professional looking – hmmm, could i get so lucky as to find a setup like that for myself on ebay? hmmm. now will have to start looking. -) thanks for sharing more of your great creations! i’d love to have one of those cards for my very own. -)

    have a great weekend –

    Beth (mommy to a busy 3 1/2 year old)

    I have a ton to post but its getting late so PROMISE tomorrow is EYE CANDY!

    And later in the week more MYTIME MAIL!

    I so LOVE all my Pretend Stamping Friends!

    Apr 19, 2007 Author: mytime | Filed under: My family stuff, Uncategorized

    I feel so lucky to have all my Pretend Stamping Friends! You are all so wonderful and dear to my heart. Each one of you brightens my days. I so enjoy our “chatting” and all the PM’s and emails I receive. Especially when you take the time to send me a card you made. I just melt!

    I am also excited to gather with some of you over the next few weeks. Who would think stamping could bind so many people together? AMAZING I tell you. Im always shocked by the people I have met.

    I have alot of catching up to do, and time isn’t really on my side these days! I know I keep saying I have deadlines, but its true! I really do!

    I promise to post some eye candy tomorrow. Lot of stamping going on over here! Just unable to post most of it! Trust me it kills me not to share it.

    In the meantime…..

    Here is Alexa with her happy mail

    alexa mail

    “Basketmom” sent this to Alexa! She loved it. Thanks so much!! She got right to work when she opened it. It was hard to get her to stop and strike a pose!

    I got a very sweet card from Dawn Mercedes-thank you!

    Then I got a SUPER SURPRISE in my mail- ready to freak out?


    Nicole sent me this ribbon storage unitafter seeing my craft room! LOL! Isn’t it amazing! I got rid of 3 tupperware bins of “hidden” ribbon! I didn’t realize what I had cause I couldn’t see it! LOL! This also saved space.

    THANK YOU so much Nicole!! You rock!

    OK back to stamping for a while (if the kids aren’t getting antsy!)-

    HELP!!! For Shane! PLEASE!

    Apr 19, 2007 Author: mytime | Filed under: Uncategorized

    Everyone knows how much Make-A-Wish has done for my family.

     Well, this little boy Shane has a wish that is out of their hands! But YOU can help make it happen! All he wants is to beat the Guinness book of world records for most birthday card received!

     His birthday is May 30th so time is ticking!!! PLEASE get stamping and make his wish come true. I cannot imagine how disappointed he will be if he doesn’t make this happen. I am going to make some more cards this weekend! I hope you will join me. Even send some you already have done!!!!

    He is very far from close-WE can all make it happen!

    Look here for more info.

    My Etsy

    My Time Made Easy © LLC

    My Time Made Easy

    Who I Designed For

    Owner/Designer of My Time Made Easy* My Timeless Templates © by Lauren Meader for Papertrey Ink* SCS Dirty Dozen-past* A Chemistry With Paper-past* All That Scraps-Senior Designer - past* Green Grass Stamps-past* Gina K -Stamps for a Cause guest designer* Lizzie Anne Designs - past* My Favorite Things-Senior Designer -past* Our Daily Bread Guest Designer-past* Papertrey Ink - past* Pink Cat Studio- past* Reporter for Craft Critque-past* Say it with Letter Guest Designer* Stampavie -past* Storage Ink & More Guest Designer* Team Member for Scor-Pal*Su Ink & More-Past* Unity Stamps-past* Smile Box Avaitor-past*Numerous guest designer positions

    MTME Pretty Patterns Sketch Team

    Lauren Meader

    About Me

    Copyrighted material

    All content included on my site is COPYRIGHT ©2013 Lauren Meader. Original artwork is shared for your personal inspiration and enjoyment only and may not be used for publication, submissions, or design contests.

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