This is like the 4th post  for today, SCROLL down!!!!!!!!

I have another CUTE peek! Ready?

This card today is from the set called Around the World.


Monkey Wishes

I know you ALL adore this monkey! How can you not?

When I saw the little guy peeking out from the ornaments I thought “How cute would he look popping out of an ornament box?”, so that is what I did!

I used some American Crafts cardstock, and created my gift. Added some red cardstock for the “ribbon”. The box had to have filler overflowing, so I attached some of that too. With everything going on in the giftbox, I wanted the actual card to remain simpler so the focus stayed my cute lil monkey!


Look! Is he no the sweetest thing?

Jay and I went to Hawaii to get married, and the sentiment is Merry Christmas, in Hawaiian! So it has a special place in my life 😀 I had to use it! This st features not only CUTE images, but many sentiments, in many languages, which is really great.

Release party will be–> HERE <–November 10th! Be sure to check the ATS blog DAILY to enter the give-aways!

Here is the list of what is left of several sets being released from C.C. Designs.

4th- Brandon & Sadie Soccer-YESTERDAY PEEK

5th-Christmas Around the World

6th-Cupcake Occasions

7th-Forrest Friends

8th  Glam Girls III

and 9th-North Pole

Thanks for reading!