Im sorry for the lack of posting. Sweet so many of you were worried about me 😀

I got many “Are you OK “emails 😀 So I will fill you in

I had a bit of an issue yesterday. A huge scare actually, and I am still calming down from it all.

I found a lump under my arm, and had to go for a biopsy yesterday.  The lump had been there for  a year , and until I noticed a significant change in size, literally overnight, I had tried NOT to think about it. I know, I should have had it checked sooner, but I really didn’t want to know.

Im talking from smaller than a pea to a nice sized strawberry.

Anyway, thankfully the biopsy was done, and THIS IS GROSS-it was all puss. That was fabulous news!!!

 It was a blocked lymph node, and they think recent stress, and they type of exercise I had been doing, irritated it, to form a large fluid filled cyst.

 Other than the pain of the needle inserted to biopsy it, and now it still hurts I am OK!

Now we have also had snow and ice, and my Internet has been on and off.

I do have things to share with you, but have some things to wrap up here first so I can give YOU my time during my post.

I also want to share a great recipe for YOU!

OK-I swear I will be back tonight-and let me tell you some of the stuff I have to share is going to ROCK your projects 😀

I have some loose ends to tie up to for the PTI release 😀 Im SO excited I can’t stand it.

So thanks for caring and nearing with me

My advice for this post would be DON’T wait! Go to the doctor.

I was fourtunate my incident wasn’t serious.

I really didn’t want to know or deal with it but now a big sigh of relief.

It also showed me that if it were “something” big, I have alot of loose ends to tie up regarding life. Such as a will and all the BLECH-

I am definitely enjoying TODAY.

OK Ill be back