Archive for 2008

A little gift for Cassie

Nov 25, 2008 Author: mytime | Filed under: Home decor/3-D items, My Timeless Templates

Sunday Amber had a birthday party to go to. I always have to add SOMETHING handmade when my kids go to a party it. Usually its a card, but my kids are now taking that part amongst themselves, and Amber insisted  she only send along her hand drawn picture she drew of the 2 of them playing Princess.

So I decided to include with her WebKinz gift a personalized Purse-onality Clutch  gift set that I made just for her.


What little girl doesn’t LOVE seeing her name on stuff? I know I still do 😀 And you cannot go wrong with PINK! I love this paper byImaginisce called Fairest of them all. It totally matched my Sweet blush (PTI), and Berry Sorbet cardstock

PS- many of you emailed to ask what patterned paper I used yesterday-HERE you go!


I used my flower border from the Curlz Deluxe Kit, and assembled Cassie’s name in the bottom of my circle block using the small letters set. I inked it in berry sorbet ink, then dotted my flower centers with an olive marker. Personalization complete 😀 Easy peasy. I like that there is NO hunting in a store for something with Cassie or any other name on it anymore, and being LIMITED to whatever random personalized gift I do find. I just make my own.

PS JustRite Stampers is have a HUGE SALE! Now is the time 😀 Buy one get one FREE 😀

Now for the matching flowers, I used my shimmery bridal confetti flower in green for the “leaves” (found in Michaels Stores in the bridal section-paintcan FULL for $4) a 2 flower punches from Punch Bunch. With a little bling in the center.

Now the fun part to this gift set was WHAT it really was!

ThePurse-onality Clutch was made to be a MOD GIRLY version of a Crayon Box!

Yes! You read it right. Target had these LARGE boxes of Crayons for $1. I bought 2 boxes and went to work! Yes I said I bought 2. I know they are repeat colors, but you know kids break their crayons all the time. Plus I wanted to fill the clutch.

So when I say went to work you may be thinking “Work? Work on what?”

Wrapping up my crayons!


I stamped my limitless labels image onto my white mailing label sheets (32 crayons per box). Then covered each crayon! They wrap PERFECTLY!!!!!!!!!! I was over the moon, that what was in my head, was able to get done in the real world!

One box done in the floral pattern label Berry Sorbet, and the other box done in the leaf pattern in Ripe Avocado.

 Now even if they don’t have the “style” you want you can still use them for anyone! These would have been fine as they are Disney Princess Crayons, but I wanted to over them all the same.

Here is the set at another angle


Now if you are wondering what is the gift on the right……………that is just a covered white notepad for her to be able to draw on. The top flap slides into that belly band to keep it closed. Quick, cute and simple. The clutch was a HUGE hit with all the girls! I got the notebook at Staples. I believe there were 6 in a pack for only $2. Now if you have a girly party this would be pretty inexpensive to make for favors, and you daughter could help! Amber’s class is ALMOST all girls, only 1 boy so I may make these for little Christmas Gifts! Not sure yet. Im sure I can BOY up a clutch for the occasion!

Stay tuned for that 😀

On another note: many of you emailed asking about my Kettlebell-

Wow! Am I ever sore. I did my first workout with the Kettlebell yesterday and all I can say is OUCH! A good ouch though. There is nothing like the muscle soreness from a hard workout. Makes you feel like you accomplished something.

I wasn’t sure I would like the workout. It honestly didn’t feel like a ton of work. I mean Im use to practically feeling like I am going to throw up after the Biggest Loser workout and Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred program! LOL!

 I broke a sweat but thought that was it. Well today I felt exactly where it worked! My abs, calves, thighs, butt and yes my arms. Who’d of thought. The one thing I didn’t like was the DVD was INSTRUCTIONAL only. You can go online and ORDER more workouts-GRR!!! My Kettlebell was On Sale at Target for $25-I think it was usually $33 (I got the 7lb one) and I feel for that price I should get a Workout dvd WITH IT! So I basically use the menu guide and go through each workout, doing my own reps with my MP3 player on. The good thing is I am getting more use from my MP3! LOL!

I’ll keep you posted.

Another meal I thought I’d include for you are the Panini’s from Lean Cuisine! OH YUM!! You wouldn’t think a microwaved sandwich would taste very good, but WOW! They are FILLING, and great for people on the go, who work at an office (just take for your lunch) and people like me-busy moms. Just pop it in the microwave while you fix the kids their lunch, and you are GOLDEN! Really loving those this week!!

I also like Soy Joy bars. Now Im not a “soy” person but these are pretty good, give you engery and are filling. Amber LOVES them. The other kids don’t. Jason thinks they are BOGUS, so I think its a personal choice.

When I want chocolate I got to my SlimFast snack bars! Perfect little dose without so much guilt. I like the chocolate peanut butter ones. I also LOVE Special K (store brand is what I really buy) strawberry granola bars too. Only 90 cal!!!!!!!!!!

OK that enough of the “talk”.

Hope you like todays post, and have a great week. Upon the advice of EVERYONE I am off to buy those shes today. I have determined that me NOT being a shoe person, and wanting them so badly, that YES! I do deserve them, and yes I will take photos for those who want to see what got me in a frenzy. They really aren’t a big deal, but I will share.

Till tomorrow

Time to warm up-and more weightloss stuff

Nov 24, 2008 Author: mytime | Filed under: Cards, Home decor/3-D items

BRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it ever FREEZING here in New Hampshire.

I have a little goody to share to help warm up those COLD days. A GREAT gift for the mailman this time of year.

I have been out and about, running around like a mad woman. They say that due to the “recession” many people won’t even be shopping this season. Well, I don’t know if they have been to Target lately but I don’t see an empty parking lot, that is for sure.

I am uncertain if I will even brave the Black Friday shopping venture I usually go on this year. Seems so busy all ready. I found a cute pair of brown shoes at Target that I DIDN’T buy because I was exercising RESTRAINT.Now they are ALL I keep thinking about! I’m not a “shoe” person but every girl need a pair of black & brown dressy shoes to wear with jeans.

I didn’t want to spend $32 on them :C I have HAD to buy new clothes 😀 Not a complaint, its a great thing, but shoes didn’t seem to be a necessity. As it was I needed more make-up. Something I use daily but HATE buying. I may go back today. Yes, I think I deserve them 😀 I have been working really hard, and they will really complete my outfits. OK I know you don’t care about my shoe issue. Just had to share my indecisiveness. I am after all a SAHM so my “shoe wearing” excursions are only to the kids school, school meetings, and food shopping! LOL! Nothing fancy or exciting. At home I am barefoot-always. I think I need a new winter coat too. Oh boy. This could get ugly! LOL!

Anyway…………….speaking of Target I have my cute cocoa cup project to share today! It is a covered Archer Farms disposable coffee cup 😀 You get like 12 for $3. Im sure you can get a better deal elsewhere.


 Inside are 2 different flavored cocoas (my MIL gave them to me and they were perfect for the post today)

I just made a template, and cut a cover from my pink cardstock. I then took some super cool adhesive paper from Scor-Pal (not posted yet??) and punches various snowflakes. Put the punched stickers on my cup, and covered in glitter!

I used my sweet little Santa from Rockin Holiday, as my main focus. He is just SO flippin cute! SO! I used some icicle stickles for his hat and jacket trim.

The sentiment reads: Holiday memories warm even the coldest of days


I LOVE using shades of pink & red for holiday stuff.

I love the little ric rac ribbon along the bottom. SO cute.


Now once I got going on this I thought “Oh! Wouldn’t a gift card holder to a coffee shop be so perfect for this?” Why, yes! Yes, it would! LOL!


So I used one of My Timeless Templates, For Keep{Sake} (only printing ONE of the templates) to make my gift card holder. 

Now I didn’t have a gift card to a coffee shop handy when I created this, but in hindsight, I would have. So just use your imagination, and make the colors the same as your giftcard! LOL!

Here is the card holder portion, slide out


So, for ANOTHER idea, instead of putting Cocoa in the cup, a great way to present a gift card holder would be to make a gift card holder and put in your cocoa cup instead!!

But for now-here are both together.


I love that is is all matchy matchy. You can also include both like you see here. Its up to you.

SO that is it for today. This week I am hard at work making items for deadlines. I want to finish early so I can just enjoy family time.

I hope the many of you who have emailed me or replied about my weight-loss post have been diligent, and followed through with starting to work out. One benefit to having my brother love with me is I feel like I have a personal trainer at my house! LOL! Upon his wisdom he advised I make a specific purchase, so I did.  I just bought a Kettlebell (comes with a DVD) to HOPEFULLY help me kick off the last 10-15lbs I WANT to lose. I have lost 4 more lbs! YEAH!! I am NOW  down about 40lbs, 4 pant sizes, and 2 shirt sizes! (shirts run differently) All without stepping a SINGLE foot in a gym or on a membership! That means more $$ for clothes 😀

I have some “problem” areas and my brother is the perfect person to help me target them. You can see why I say that HERE . So Ill keep you posted on the Kettlebell workout once I give it a try.

I have THROWN OUT (aka donated) every single item that is too big for me! I am leaving myself NO ROOM to grow out of my current size! Only going DOWN from here! If it gets snug, then my hiney better kick it up a notch. I refuse to go slowly work my way out of my jeans. NOT going to happen.  I am also changing out my workouts to keep it fun and interesting. I will say HAVING to buy smaller clothes is the BEST part of it all.

I’m NOT letting Thanksgiving KILL my hard work. I am making a low fat dessert for the family. Not sure WHAT yet. AND I already have a entire “plan” for what I am going to put onto my plate. Yes, I am having dessert 😀 A SLIVER of pumpkin pie (my MIL makes a KILLER one that I have been craving for 2 months now!), and a SLIVER of something else. Not sure what it will be yet, but whatever the “regular” portion size, Im going with HALF that. I think if you go in knowing what you are going to eat you won’t over do it. We also always go for a brisk walk after. Better bring my sneakers.

Many of you asked me so many questions, one being WHAT I cook for dinner! LOL! Well I LOVE this site—-HERE. EVERY single recipe I have tried has been AMAZING! Check it out.

OK I think I have gone on and on  enough today.

Have a great start to the week. I have so much to share so I hope you check back in again 😀

PLEASE feel free to post things that YOU are doing to stay healthy, any progress you made, sites you like, exercises to try, recipe’s for low fat desserts (PLEASE!!) or other great recipe’s you want to share!

Ok thanks again for letting me gush. OK you didn’t LET me, but if you read it all, thanks! LOL! Not sure I would have.

Till tomorrow

Fashion Dresser Release by AmyR

Nov 23, 2008 Author: mytime | Filed under: Cards


Where on earth is everyone?

WOW! Has cyber world been Q-U-I-E-T!

I know I have been super busy so I have a quick post tonight.

Here is a peek at the set that AmyR is releasing tomorrow called : Wardrobe & Wardrobe sentiments


You will be able to find it HERE on Monday the 24th.

More samples on the ATS blog : HERE

Sill me didn’t get a photo of the card with the dresser drawers CLOSED!


Peek inside. I just did some simple masking to make the itmes look gathered in the closet.

This was a super quick and simple card, as I have had NO stamp time these days :C Lots of loose ends to tie up before the Holiday RUSH hits.

I used some pretty paper by K & Co. for this to make it look like a room. Not too shabby for an under 15 minutes card.

OK I need to run, but thaks for stopping by.

I can’t believe I got this post done EARLY! I have been so busy and slacking on the Saturday stuff! 

Well its Saturday. My most LOVED day of the week 😀 Thanks for stopping by to join me in celebrating today. Well I guess technically we should really celebrate everyday we wake up, shouldn’t we? There is something good in every day. So think about what is in your own life that is good.

Hopefully my post will be one of those good things that get you inspired to get stamping 😀

Now every Saturday I host a sketch challenge here on my blog. This week I decided that we would use one of My Timeless Templates © for the sketch instead!

Today’s “sketch” will use Stocking Stuffer © Keyword will be mytimesstuffer if you upload to a online gallery.

UPDATE: I am happy to also update you and say that with all future template downloads we will include a general guide for instructions of how to put it together. We don’t want the instructions to limit you and prevent you from using creative liberty, or whatever works for you personally when assembling, just to be used as a general guide for some whom may need it :F

Many of you aren’t too into 3D projects, or are afraid to even try. This template makes everything so much easier. Just print, cut, score and go!  It’s free and you have nothing to lose. You may get hooked 😀

Now this isn’t a template you have to PURCHASE, it was part of the Freebie downloads, so there are NO excuses 😀 If you have been putting off trying the templates, or already downloaded, but procrastinated making something, then KNOCK IT OFF! LOL! Procrastination is a BAD thing. Get crackin.

If you haven’t downloaded YET please read the INSTRUCTIONS!!!  

You also want to make sure that your Page Scaling section when printing is set to NONE.

You may also check the Q & A section I have HERE.

Now don’t feel limited by the “stocking stuffer” name. You will receive an Idea Catalog when you download , with 5 exclusive ideas (non-holiday :D) to use this template for. So get creative. That should get the ideas flowing. You can also view all my own template creations HERE.

Now for the FUN part! My sample for this week 😀


Stuffed with goodies-For Emma

Is this not adorable? When I saw the position of the lil elf in SugarPlums North Pole set I thought how cute would that be hanging from MY stocking template?! So I jotted down my idea in my creative notebook to pull out when I had more time or needed a great gift idea. You never want to forget a good idea when it hits. I have lots of that stuff jotted down in hopes to get to it, someday!

NOW is that time

I know I said to NOT get limited by a Christmas stocking but I have gifts to make for the holidays and this is doing double duty for me 😀 Maybe you too? If you have a secret sanata gift or a holiday swap ANYTHING is appealing when wrapped in the right package 😀

I loved that holiday paper by SEI. Its so pretty, and it is double sided, so perfect for my template 😀 It also inspired my colors.

Now Amber is in Ballet class, and the girls swap a gift with a classmate. It just so happens she got her little BFF Emma! (I wonder if that was rigged by the dance teacher? :D) Now the monetary limit is $5 per girl and it is important that be stuck to. Don’t want anyone feeling awkward. I don’t know about you, but gift packaging where I am ALONE can cost that! Well I decided I would make the most of it, and create an UBER cute Stocking Stuffer © package, and STUFF it to the tipity top with fun stuff from the Target $1 spot. Then how fun to personalize it too 😀 Gotta love being a stamper.

Emma Tag


I used my JustRite Stampers circle border and alpha from the Two Monogram Stamper Kits (Normally not sold together but) I about fell over when I saw the deal…………………….

Now how cool is this-upon linking I found this:

JustRite Stampers is having a Thanksgiving Buy one Get one FREE! Sale!!! Details HERE! Sale ENDS on the 30th!

OK you so need to RUN to get in on that! OMG! If I didn’t own it all already I know I would. (Yes I have a shopping problem, I know about it already, no lecture needed)

Back to the template details- I printed my template and for the heel and toe patches I used pinking sheers to trim down the design a bit on the heel. That is what I mean by taking creative liberty. Don’t be afraid to change something up to suit your design. White gel pen used for faux stitching. I also rounded the top corners of the stocking cuff. After it was all assembled I added some furry white trim stuff I got at Michaels for that little extra holiday UMPH! Loving that stuff too.

I hope she likes it.

I know Amber was mad I put Emma’s name on it because SHE wanted to keep it for herself 😀 That made mommy feel so good. Plus getting a huge leap on these Holiday TO DO’s is always nice too. Never too early. I hate running like a mad woman close to Christmas. It takes away all the JOY of the season.

So that is all for me today. I have many more things to follow, so stay tuned.

Be sure to check in on my Sketch Team to see what they have created with the Stocking Stuffer Template.

  • Alicia Weimen
  • Dawn Easton
  • Kim Gasper
  • Kirsten Dubosque
  • Kristy Vernon
  • MacKenzie Bruckler
  • Maria Levine
  • Tamara Harder
  • Now it’s YOUR turn! Send us a link here, to wherever your fabulous creation is posted, so we can all check and see what you did.

    Till tomorrow.

    The only kinds of critters I like…..

    Nov 21, 2008 Author: mytime | Filed under: Cards, Home decor/3-D items

    Hi world 😀

    I did Noah’s party Smilebox. That is why this is SO late!!!

    Now let me tell you that I am NOT a fan of any kind of bug, unless it is a butterfly or in stamp form! LOL! I also HATE rodents (all forms) and REPTILES of all kinds. Especially snakes. Alexa seems to either share my feelings, or feed off my insanity. You will see in the photos!

    So WHY have a critter party?

    I don’t know! LOL! The things we do for our children I guess.

    When Noah had his party I let him pick any animal that could be TOUCHED! Every thing the woman from Critters n Creatures brought was touched by each child! That rule also eliminated spiders (thank god) and snakes). We learned some really cool stuff about the animals too. Anyway, they brought out the legless lizard I was NOT planning on it being JUST like a real SNAKE! I literally screeched and had to leave the room so I didn’t upset the kids. It was pretty bad. It was squiggling HARD to get out of her hands. I would DIE if that creepy thing got loose.

    I felt the same way about the Skink. It was FAST, and tried to run away.

    OMG! That would have been quite the site to see if it did! I’d climb up the wall myself. I was shocked that I was so freaked out by most of the little critters! ICK!

    I have to say the party was well worth EVERY penny, and Jay who scoffed at my brilliant party idea had MORE fun than the kids! LOL! It was definitely a very cool party.

    Click to play Noah turns 6
    Create your own photobook - Powered by Smilebox
    Make a Smilebox photobook

    I didn’t include the individual photos of the kids in attendance since they aren’t my children, and some people don’t want their kids all over the Internet, so I kept it mainly our family.

    Looking back at the baby photos got me in a real frenzy. Im an emotional mess this week! LOL! My kids are just growing so fast, and before you know it won’t even believe in Santa! That will be a sad day. Soon they won’t want to do craft time with me either. I will be embarrassing to them, and will only be good to play TAXI to take their friends all over.

    I took Noah for his 6 year check up. He has always been on the 110% percentile curve for his height. His doctor said by the time he is 12 he will look me in the eye! I am 5’11!!! Where did my little colicky baby go? Yes, as an infant he was a true nightmare! I would have given him away to a stranger (that sounds horrible and cruel if you never had a baby with colic, but if you have, you totally get it) but by 4 months old he was the sweetest boy. That smile always melts my heart.

    Anyway Noah has turned into an amazing BIG boy. He is a mini Jason, which will be fabulous for some girl someday. He is very handsome (looks just like daddy) sensitive (like dad), and caring (maybe both of us?). He is outgoing (like me), smart (like dad), responsible (like us), creative (more me!) and has my OCD! LOL! That isn’t always a bad thing. I am so proud of him. He is an excellent brother to his sister’s (like his dad). He is the little caretaker of the family. He looks out for everyone. He has lots of friends and is just my great little helper. He makes me laugh and want to cry all in the same day! He’s the kid who will make you pull out your hair, but then say the sweetest thing you ever heard, all in the same breath. Im so happy God blessed me with him-he is the best “accident” that ever happened to me!

    Anyway I figured I would share what we did do for the favors! Maybe give you a few ideas.

    First up  Party Cubes!


    We made 20 cubes full of candy!

    Now before I get hundreds of emails about the SQUARE test tubes I will tell you SOON who is carrying them 😀 You will be pretty happy when I share. Yes, that IS a huge hint!! It also holds a great amount of stuff-as you can see.

    So I filled them all to the tipity top, and decorated the tubes with some old SU! paper I had to match my candy, and party theme colors.

    The best part was I bought ONE bag of “Halloween” candy, and because the BAG was Halloween decor I got all this candy for 0.94 CENTS!!!!!!!!!!! BARGAIN!!

    It has gum, mentos, air heads, and tootsie pops! I divided them all out so each cube has the same amount.


    I used the Pond Life set to make my caterpillar, in colors to match. Cute huh? The “thank-you” is from Limiteless labels. That set went perfect with out theme for the party.

    These came together in NO TIME at all.

    Having house guests (aka my brother and his girlfriend living with us) paid off in the party planning aspect! We had them help decorate, and Valerie had to do all the grunt work for the favors. In other words if I hated doing it (like cutting and tying a million ribbons, and punching cardstock) SHE got to do it! LOL! I was quite thankful for her help actually, because my mass producing time was cut in HALF! Plus she did a good job listening to my directions. Im pretty anal so that says alot!

    Close up of the froggy game toy.


    These are super cool! I just got some mini pinball games from Oriental Traders, popped out the back, and used it as a template to make my own party themed favor! Now you can make your own!

    We just cut the back pieces, stamped with the frog image from Pond Life, and popped it back on! Pretty cool huh?

    Here is the basket of them.


    Are they not SO COOL?! Seriously!

    We also had some gummy spider webs and a slimy spider too! They were Halloween sale items so for less than $1 I gave those out to the guests too.

    I can’t tell you how fun this party was. I hope Noah remembers it for the rest of his life!

    SO that is all for me for today. Time is ticking and I have a full day ahead (and I have to work out before Alexa gets off the bus!) Thanks for stopping by!

    Tomorrow is the Saturday Sketch, and you will NOT want to miss it!!

    Till then

    Amber’s Birthday Smilebox

    Nov 20, 2008 Author: mytime | Filed under: About Me, Smilebox Creations
    Click to play Ambers Birthday
    Create your own slideshow - Powered by Smilebox
    Make a Smilebox slideshow

    OH my word is this ever LATE! We are a month and a half past this party, and I am just now posting this! AND Im only posting it since I want to post Noah’s birthday Smilebox, and I will feel extremely guilty if I do that one before this one! YIKES! Oh motherhood. Gotta love the daily dose of guilt. Weather its because you yelled at them for the 60th time to not yell at their sibling (I know it makes no sense but I know “I” do it! Not good), or had to take something they love away because they didn’t listen, then YOU feel bad………ugh! This is the stuff they don’t put in books, and most of the books that are written for parenting, I believe is by the CHILDLESS! Its so much easier to say WHAT you should and shouldn’t do when you don’t have them! LOL! Before I was a mom I always said ” I will never do X.” 9 Years and 3 kids later……… I am, often doing X.

    I am now going to run and edit the photos so Amber & Alexa can make their TY notes. See, really late on those too. I still have TY’s to get done from a gift Alexa got from my PSF’s in MAY! See people I really don’t get it all done! I do procrastinate :C Boy do we have a bunch of TO DO’s for afternoon craft time this week.

    Now Im in utter panic! These are ALL so late :C

    Not good. Why did I even begin this task today? I guess to get it done.

    Anyway details of Amber’s 4th birthday party, if you weren’t around then.

    We had her party at Empire Beauty School. Each girl got nails painted, hair & make-up done! They had a blast.

    In the photos you will see Amber held up her nails ALL day, because they told her to make sure they didn’t get ruined while being wet. I don’t think she hardly put them down. As for the make-up she was like a PRO!

    All I could think the ENTIRE party was looking back on this day, the day she gets married! Time will just fly by. That is what that whole thing felt like to me. How am I suppose to entrust MY BABY to some guy someday?! I know crazy. She may decide to NOT ever get married, but still we all think it. Then I think she better get married, I want grandchildren! What if she doesn’t want children?! What then?! Crazy. I often get ahead of myself.

    I just told myself-enjoy this time while she is little because before you know it she will be in the world, all grown up. I get weepy just THINKING about it. I know it sounds CRAZY since she is ONLY 4 but seeing my oldest- Alexa be 9 is a killer! Where has the time gone? Seems like just yesterday SHE was 4. You have no idea how fast it goes past us. I realized how quickly during Alexa’s 2 1/2 years of chemo, thankfully it went by in a flash.

    I think because Amber is my “baby” and like my little sidekick, its a real killer for me to see her grow so fast. Being the 3rd child she seems to advance so much quicker. Much more independent and “old” for her age. Im sure our life circumstances only pushed that even more so. 

    I dont say that because I love her more or less than the other 2. I think anyone who has more than 1 child knows you develop different relationships with each child. You love them the same, but each one has that special something that the others don’t. Thats what makes THAT person as special as they are. OK I hope that makes sense to you like it does to me, and if it doesn’t thats OK. Im just blabbering on about my thoughts

    Time to get going on those TY’s.

    I have Noah’s Smilebox and stuff to do, as well as LOTS of eye candy. Having said that, I have 500 photos to go through and edit to get to that point so stay tuned.

    OH gosh, now I really wish I didn’t think about it all.

    “Rock” a bye baby

    Nov 19, 2008 Author: mytime | Filed under: Cards

    Well I don’t know about YOU, but I know I LOVE to maximize the use of any of my stamp sets. In other words images that can be versatile. Especially the holiday sets.

    When I say Christines set SugarPlum North Pole– I immediately saw a baby card!

    Not just ANY baby card either! An interactive baby card 😀 Read on.

    EDITING TO ADD: If you would like to see other versions I have created, as well as my instructions READ HERE


    Rock a bye boy.

    This little horse image is just SO cute. I fell in love with it instantly. I knew I wanted to do a baby boy card so that was my starting point.

    I used the Harmony Classic Oval IIfor my oval star border, colored with markers. Thye fit perfectly in the oval nestabilities.

    The horse was colored with Copic markers, then cut out.

    I had to make it all rugged and boyish!

    To announce “It’s A” I used myJustRite Brayton Font. I received MANY emails about these font’s and which to pick. Well I definitely think everyone NEEDS at least ONE! LOL! As far as what to pick, its really about personal style. Its cool because you get 3 sizes of alpha’s with ONE purchase, and stores EASY! No big bulky stuff from woodblocks. Speaking of woodblocks, I do use the Harmony block to assemble my verbiage. I then took the block (it has lines on it ti fit your leeters into) and inked it up a bit and randomly stamped it on my card. Like I said, make it a little rugged.

    The “BOY” is from theClear Uppercase Typewritter Letters, and I used dark chocolate ink. I got that set on a whim and liked it. Especially for my kids to use 😀 Its really helped them with the ABC’s.

    I used mycuttlebug stars (on sale 25% off!! Noticed when I linked) embossing folder, and added ink into it prior to embossing, for the inked debossed star that looks pierced! I always think BOY when I see stars! Not sure why.

    Now comes the interactive part. Last month I was on a “cards that move” kick, and this was the first of the bunch! It really sparked all my other movable creations.

    So tilt the card to one side and the horse “rocks” back and forth!

    I know not a huge epiphany since it is a “rocking horse” but I was happy all the same.


    I manually turned it for photo purposes, but its a really sweet baby card idea from that image.


     See the rocking motion. I think its so cute.

    I have many a friend who are expecting boys! So this will come in handy.

    I have much to do, so I hope you get inspired to give this a whirl. I have done similar cards in the past. They are so fun.

    OK I’m off. Till tomorrow, when I HOPE to share Noah & Amber’s birthday party Smileboxes. Its been a while. I still have their TY’s to do! But I need photo paper , so that is the excuse Im sticking with, for now. Sometimes I feel like the kid who didn’t do their homework! Heck I even have excuses for that from time to time.

    New Year resolution

    #2-No more EXCUSES!

    Dear Santa,

    Nov 18, 2008 Author: mytime | Filed under: Cards, Home decor/3-D items

    Awe! Stamping world, you made me feel so glad that I actually DID share my outpouring of thoughts, truths and struggles in my weight-loss post! I feel so happy about it now. I realize MANY of you DO know how hard that was to put myself out there (especially the photos! EEK!) and to hear so many of you get inspired for TODAY (making TODAY be your tomorrow-not next week , or next year……….) seriously made me so proud of YOU. I have gotten so many amazing stories and emails from many as well and I want to thank you each for putting yourself out there too, and sharing.

    Now I took a day off from posting yesterday, as I had Noah’s birthday party Sunday. He really loved when I read him all your wishes and thoughts on his project using All Boxed Up!! I also had some deadlines to meet.  AGAIN limited time. I have to stamp to actually be able to share stuff right? This is a hectic time of year for everyone.

    So let me share a holiday tradition in my house.

    I’m sure if any of you do the “Santa” thing, that having your children write a letter to Santa every year may be something YOU do too. So here is my letter idea for this year.

    Dear Santa letters, to be filled out.


    Each child gets their own.

    They use to cut/paste photos from magazines, now they are older so I try to get them to WRITE the letters. I didn’t want to do that BEFORE I shared the project though 😀

    TIP: You can let your child ACTUALLY go to the post office and MAIL it! Just put Santa’s address on the envelope, and your return address label in the upper left corner! The post office will send it back to you.  Then you can get it back, hide it, and save it for years to come 😀 Just make sure your kids don’t check the mail the next day! I also like to put a current photo with the year, and child’s age on it, for future reference.

    Anyway, the letters to Santa is a real BIG deal in my house. I always try to get the kids to pick their favorite things to ask for BY Thanksgiving. Santa shops on Black Friday, so he needs their lists early! LOL! Speaking of which Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK! WHAT!!! UGH!! I better get crackin. They also get to pick what Toy for a Tot that will be put in the box, OR we take a Wish Card off the tree at Walmart. My kids have so much stuff, the LEAST I can do is give a gift from each of my children to someone else. I am seriously cutting back this year. They don’t need so much stuff. We are trying to focus on thankfulness and the things that matter, like health and love of family stuff. We are waiting to hear back about when we will be volunteering this holiday at the hospital 😀 Its a way my family can give back while the kids are on vacation. Jason saves some vacation days for the week of Christmas, so he has extra time off. I think it will really fill us with the real spirit of the holidays. I always swore once Alexa was healthy enough we would do our part to make a difference. I can’t wait.

    OK back the the letters!

    When I saw the latest release by C.C. Designs called SugarPlum North Pole ,I knew it was perfect for this years Letters to Santa! So I got to work.

    I wanted the heading  to read ” Dear Santa”, and have a neat, yet hand written look to it, so I used my Curlz Font from JustRite Stampers, and purposely made my letters off set using the Harmony rectangle wood block. I think its cute.


    I used the Pretty Papers in Winter Wonderland by Lizzie Anne Designs as my inspiration. The colors also matched the old red SU! use to carry (sorry the name escapes me. but it doesn’t matter since its retired)

    These can HANG on the Christmas tree too.


     I usually do that until the week of Christmas. I tell my kids the elves have to make the toys first so there is plenty of time to mail them.

    Now for the “details”.


    So, I colored him with Copic markers. Silver pen for the buckle.

     I used Liquid Applique on the hat puff, rim and coat cuffs. For his beard I chose a white liquid pearls, for a nice look.

    The “snow” is that chunky cheap glitter I bought at Michaels and have been using on EVERY winter card I have made this season! It sells for $2.99 for a large jar. Its near the kids crafting section, and way cheap!! I am in love with it. Its perfect holiday snow.

    These 3 letters took a whopping 20 minutes to make. Not bad. I *may* remake them and let the kids decorate them as THEY want. We will see! LOL! Sounds like another great afternoon time craft 😀

    Well I am off to do my exercise video. I hope you squeeze SOMETHING in today too. No more putting it off. Oh and get some stamp time in as well 😀 That is when crock pot meals come in handy 😀

    Till tomorrow.

    My Time to share my weightloss stuff BEFORE & AFTER

    Nov 16, 2008 Author: mytime | Filed under: About Me

    OK I am all stamped out. So Im finally going to share some things many of you seem to want to know. I know this is primarily a stamping blog but I also share everything else! Basically if its on my mind, something going on in my life, the world knows about it. Why not share a huge part of something I have struggled with?

     You all are just so sweet for all the lovely comments regarding my latest new photo! I am eatting healthy, exercising DAILY, and drinking lots of water. I really feel amazing about myself, and am proud I have accomplished what I set out to do. I changed my life for ME. No one else.

    I didn’t think anyone would care to read the times I’ve posted aobut my struggles or my exercise stuff and whatnot but MANY have, as it is part of your struggles too.

    Now this is LONG so you can stop. No guilt 😀

    I have to say spilling all this for the world is NOT easy! Especially sharing my awful photo of a day I felt my worst. The words weren’t as bad as sharing the PHOTOS!! I know this all just rolls out on my blog but I almost deleted it like 20 times. No lie. Its a truly sole baring post. I felt if I can write all this to share and help then I better suck it up and SHOW you that it all works.

    Reality of it is, I have been thin my whole life. Never struggled with my weight. Never worked out. I was just thin and had NO interest in being in SHAPE. Well then I get pregnant with Alexa. It was a stressful pregnancy and it was the start of what I call “stress eatting”. I began eatting to fill my worries and fears. Not sure if it helped, but it did allow me to gain 72lbs! Nice huh? I felt so defeated after giving birth, thinking it would just FALL off over the next few months. NOPE! Only lost like 25lbs, kept the rest. Anyway I really thought I’d NEVER be thing again. Well,  I worked it off and got in shape after my divorce. I never felt better.

    So began the rollercoaster of weight issues.

    I went on to have Noah, lost the weight. Then I had Amber, lost the weight. Every time with exercise. 

     So there I was thinking I didn’t really  have an issue since it only came with pregnancies.

    Then Alexa got Cancer. My problem came back! Having NO activity LIVING in the hospital for about a year, my best friends were cream cheese brownies, lots of sugar and coffee and whatever other bad thing I could possibly get my hands on at 2am, to help me not deal with my emotions. Over the last 2 1/2 years I see photos of myself where I got to my FINAL weight point, would work it off, then slowly climb back up during another cancer crisis. I would eat my worries away. If I did eat something bad, I would “punish” myself for it, by then eatting something else. Not good. Also the never ending fad diet, not easy to stick with forever!

    So I decided for a healthier eatting LIFESTYLE change. Thats why I LOVE Dr. Phil!! He is so realistic about it all. Diets don’t last forever. You need to change the way you LIVE.

    I don’t care how thin you are, or your gene pool, if you eat really bad it will catch up with. Once you have those fat cells, they are ALWAYS there, waiting to fill up!

    Now I can think of a MILLION excuses as to why I could stay unhappy with myself, WHY I would wait to start-tomorrow, then tomorrow turns into weeks. Why I have NO TIME to exercise, but do have time for other stuff. There are NO MORE excuses. NOW is the time. I put my TODAY outlook on so many other aspects of my life, to finally use it work on this issue now.

    I know not EVERYONE is interested in this, but many are, so I’m here to share. If it helps ONE of you, then fabulous. As women I think most of us can say we battle with our weight and what we *think* we should look like.

    Now keep in mind I’m not a doctor, or dietican. I am a stay at home mom, to 3 kids, with an INSANE life and a BUSY daily schedule. Just like many of you. I’m just happy to share things that have worked for me and that is basically HARD WORK, with a concious effort to eat healthier. I take food ONE obstacle at a time, and relish in my defeating each as it comes, not looking forward. If I have something I shouldn’t I have it in moderation, and make a better meal choice for my next meal. All about balance.

    I have no magic pill or wand that can make anyone healthier or an easy fix to get into shape. Getting out of shape is EASY, getting IN shape is hard work. If it were easy everyone would be models 😀 I had a goal and then worked my hiney off (literally) to reach that goal. The biggest hurdle we all have is our MIND set.

    I am happy that weight LOSS won’t need to be a part of my New Years resolution! I can focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and work on other goals instead. I’m not where I ultimately want to be yet, but I know I am not far. I am determined to get through the holidays not a pound heavier. My goal is MODERATION! I don’t need a whole pumpkin pie to make me happy. Only a sliver.

    I’m not on a diet, just changed my eatting HABITS, so its not a constant deprivation.

    I have received MANY inquiries as to what I have been doing to exercise, and eat to lose weight.

    I can’t even believe I am going to say this, but over 12 weeks I have lost 35lbs! I didn’t realize I had 35lbs to lose! LOL! OK well I wanted to lose it, but didn’t REALLY think it would actually happen. 

     My “OK I am so done with this” moment came on my 30th birthday in May. I was turning the BIG 30, and wasn’t happy. I wanted to be a HOT 30. I wanted people to say “What! You had 3 kids?!” not ‘Well, you have had 3 kids”.

    Here is my AWFUL photo that I didn’t even want to look back on

    My birthday May 3rd.


    I HATE it. This was me. Its also the ONLY photo I let anyone take of me for MONTHS!

    Now here was one from Alexa’s birthday Sept 29. Feeling and looking like myslef.


    Now I didn’t actually DO something about it until the first week of September. I know! I told you, always “tomorrow”.

    Now after losing another 17lbs-this is on the 7th of November


    See the difference?

     I don’t believe in scales. They make you CRAZY! So I don’t own one. Since Alexa has monthly doctor appointments I began weighing myself there ONCE a month. For ME,that was a good thing. Right before I started in August, then the following month September lost like 18lbs, then again last month (which I had hit a plateau so that wasn’t a fun scale day :C) lost 4 lbs, now this month lost another 13lbs . Boy was I super duper happy when I saw the numbers on the scale this past Wednesday! It was MORE than I thought it would have been.

    I started a work out that had me take my MEASUREMENTS the day before I started the workout program. So I figured watching those measurement , and my CLOTHING was most important.

    I also marked the WEEKS on my calendar on the fridge, to keep me on track, and knwoing where I was in the programs.

     I never leave the house to get in a amazing workout, and I do it in my living room! LOL! In between all my daily things with the kids 😀 I have an elliptical machine, which was what I started with (had it for like 4 years) but I mainly use DVD’s. Many of these videos also have QUICK workouts for your SUPER busy days. I try to keep mixing it up so I don’t get bored and I work different muscles.

    IMPORTANT NOTE! Im not affiliated with ANY of these programs. I just feel like I could be on their advertisements though !LOL! They truly helped me get to my goals.

    So here is what I do

    I do my best to work out EVERY DAY!  Now that may seem excessive, but not when you start to enjoy it, and look forward to that time. Even if its 10-20 minutes. We ALL can find 10 minutes in the day. SOMETHING is better than NOTHING! Its now a part of my daily routine, and if I don’t get to it then I feel tired, blah and CRABBY!! I love having it be part of my day now. Its like my coffee use to be.

    NOTE: the first 2 to 3 weeks of this lifestyle I was not overly thrilled with the working out and change in eatting habits!

    Now when I eat I use a KIDS plate, or just dish out HALF of what I would normally have on my plate. PORTION control! It is RARE I am still hungry after I eat the smaller portions. I think we get use to eatting MORE, so we THINK we need more, or are still hungry because we are mindlessly eatting all the food on our plate.

    Once I got over the CRAVINGS it was smooth sailing. It also takes about 2-3 weeks  to have your first real “WOW! Are you losing weight? You look great” compliment, so that helps!!

    I chose the Mitch Gaylord Melt it off program. This is THE one that actually got me motivated to START! I found it motivating and helpful. It was the commercial that made me take that first step back to health.

    This one was the real start of everything for me. Yes, it was from an infomercial and it works!! I love it. It uses a 2lb “G Ball”. At first I couldn’t do MOST of it, but within 3 weeks I was seeing great results. My brother is in tip top AMAZING shape. He is a professional arm wrestler and he would make fun of the workout. Well I made him do it with me, and I kicked his butt with this video! I felt great! LOL! He was definitely impressed and surprised. Granted I STILL can’t do some of it, but that gives me goals to meet.

    This is the one when you start, where you take your measurements. There is nothing like doing the MATH when you are LOSING weight.

    I have gone down 3 pant sizes. I now weigh what I did in highschool D only I am actually toned! LOL!

    I have lost 7 inches from my chest (OK honestly not THAT happy about that-but oh well! LOL!) 6 3/4 inches from my waist, and 6 3/4 inches from my hips!

    Now some other DVD  favorites of mine:

    The Biggest Loser-Cardio Max- Purchased at Target.

    There is NOTHING like wanting to QUIT your workout, when you have people far larger than you KICKING your butt, doing the SAME workout! You can customize this and it too have various levels to work up to. If you have seen the TV show you know these are people JUST like YOU. So get moving 😀 Its really amazing.

    Jillian Michaels- 30 Day Shred-another Target find. This is my current “go to” workout.

    She is the insane one from the Biggest Loser. She works them super hard. So when I saw this video I knew I needed it! LOL! She has a  series of 4 levels. 20 minute ONLY- kick your butt (in one exercise quite literally), I think Im going to throw up, amazing workout. This helped me get off that Plateau. In 3 days of her workout I lost ANOTHER 1/2 inch from the measurements! I DO recommend getting in decent shape before beginning this one 😀 That is just MY opinion. But you are guaranteed results in a 20 minute workout, and its so true. I feel I sweat even more in this one, than some of the hour workouts I do.

    I also use Turbo Jam. Another infomerical. 

    I love this one. It combines boxing exercises to kick your but with an aerobic like workout. At first you need to get use to the moves, but once you do you have fun. I used this once after I had Amber and needed to get back into shape for when Jay & I got married.

    Pick Your Spot Pilates-Yes another Target one. This is full of 10 minute segments that really work you! Who can’t find 10 minutes? IF you are reading this post, then you certainly can fidn that 😀 AFTER you read my blog! LOL! This one was perfect after I had Noah. Having a colicky baby and little time I got back to pre-pregnancy weight in no time.

    If you don’t know what is Pilates-this type of exercise is PERFECT for those of you with back, and joint issues, or who don’t want to jump around to break a sweat. You don’t need to be like a human GUMBY doll to do these, like you do in yoga.

    I like this stuff when Im tired, or just want to work on strength. You do get a good workout. I’m still into the cardio/weight training  stuff at this point, but still use this one several times a month.

    Honestly if you aren’t doing this for YOU, then it won’t work. I reached my limit. My “it” moment when I had enough of failing at the “diet” and saying TOMORROW. Enough of NOT wanting to be in photos or feeling icky about myself. Enough of buying clothes that make me LOOK thinner, when I want to just BE thinner! Now I go in the store and get something OFF THE RACK!

    First thing is first. Be realistic. Be honest with yourself. Write your goals down.

    Some of this is from the Mitch Gaylord journal and it truly helped me. I also put a photo of me that I LOVE in plain view for me to see when I am working out to remind myself of WHERE I wanted to be! Next to it was my WORST photo, so I had a visual of WHY I was really doing this. Now that BAD photo is gone, but my old one is still there to keep me going.

    So now ask yourself-

    Why are you doing this?

    What is your purpose or desire for changing yourself?

    What is your ideal vision of yourself?

    What past limiting beliefs have stood in your way?

    What are you committed to doing to relieve those beliefs?

    What was your defining moment of needing a change?

    Then get that photo and start that journal

    The important thing to remember is in the beginning ALL of it is difficult. Its alife change. There may even be some excising you just can’t do! Try to modify them if you can, and try to keep up as much as you can. Before you know it, you will be a PRO! Just keep with it. Keep moving.

    Next people asked what KEEPS me motivated.

    I purposely buy clothes that are a LITTLE tight, or the next size down. I work to make them then fit! I wait a week or 2, then slide them on! That is the BEST feeling. I am also refusing to GO UP a size. If things get snug, I now know to kick it up a notch and not let 10lbs creep back on. THROW AWAY those bigger clothes. Then you have NO safety net! LOL! I mean it!

    So that is it. Now for the FOOD stuff.

    I MAKE myself eat breakfast! Its the most important thing you can do to get your metabolism going. I read NO CARBS in the morning. It makes you MORE hungry through the day, so I have yogurt, cottage cheese, fruit or something like that. Don’t get me wrong me wrong I still eat the occasional waffle! LOL! Just not so much syrup and butter. I aslo LOVE Quacker Oatmeal (weight-loss one) in banana bread! So filling and really yummy.

    I cut out my coffee, and if I do drink it I use fat free cream and Slenda (that was the hardest part)

    I drink TONS of water! Usually a full glass before meals. And I LOVE the Crystal Light packets. The water alone helps. The packets spice it up so it doesn’t get BORING!

    No more SODA! I use to love diet Pepsi. Now it makes me SICK!

    Have healthy snacks on hand. Readily available. I love granola bars, nutragrain bars, and stuff like that. They are tastey. and low cal. There are SO many 100 cal packets of things you can buy there are NO excuses for KILLING your healthy eatting with a SNACK! Also only eat ONE!

    Make sure I stay on TOP of my hunger. If I feel hungry I eat something healthy before it turns into a handful of chips or cookies. Usually 2-3pm is my point of real hunger!

    I take green tea pills. I heard they help metabolisim. Not sure if its true but oh well.

    I cut my portions in HALF!

    I LOVE SmartOne frozen meals! They really good, are quick too. Part of my problem would be skipping lunch cause I don’t eat what the kids do. They are really yummy, and are along line with Weght Watchers. They even have desserts! Also yummy. I like the points system so you can whatever you want. I think that “diet” works for so many because you can eat whatever you like, but it teaches moderation! I just try to live in moderation mode.

    Going out to eat. Well like my meals I don’t clean my plate! I also try to go for something “healthier” than I would normally eat. Im not talking salad, Im just saying instead of FRIED chicken I may look for GRILLED! LOL!

    I don’t snack after 7 pm!

    If I want something bad I ask my self 100 times if it is really worth eatting! Often just by checking the calories I don’t want it bad enough. Then if I did. I usually feel sick after from all the sugar, or I can’t even finish it! NOT a bad thing 😀

    Don’t go to the food store HUNGRY! NO! NO! NO! That is when the worst decisions are made.

    Most importantly I have recruited my husband as reenforcement! Before we go somewhere that I KNOW may be full of temptation I ask him to keep me in check. By this I mean, I run by him what I am thinking of eatting, he will then say Are you really sure you want to do that. What about having X instead?

    Now he isn’t doing this on his own and to be annoying. I ASK for it! It saved me many times from regretful eatting.

    Lastly in recipes substitute LOW fat or NO fat items. We always did this so that wasn’t a hard transition for me. I think it adds up though.

    So I think that covers it. I hope I helped someone in some way by sharing my own issues, and helping you see I am a TYPICAL person just like YOU! Same struggles. Im not famous, I don’t have a chef, a personal trainer, or any of that fancy stuff that movie stars have. I am a daily work in progress, but I am doing it. I feel so much better that I did 12 weeks ago! THAT makes it all worth it.

    Better yet since its a way of living, I don’t feel deprived! I CAN have something. I just don’t have as much.

    Start now and by the holidays you could seriously be transforming yourself too.

    I hope this didn’t seem like a big ole lecture. Someone on your back doesn’t help you to want to get healthy. I just felt I would openly share what so many have contacted me about.

    Now that Im done Im back to thinking I should delete this! LOL!

    Oh well. I am leaving. I have Noah’s Party to get ready for.

    I will leave you with this quote I always tell myself:

    Let TODAY be your TOMORROW!

    A cool contest I found.

    Nov 15, 2008 Author: mytime | Filed under: Uncategorized


     Just go to and click ‘try it now’ to get started making your own postage stamps if you want.PIP is seeking the best of the worst photos through our “Get Real” Photo Contest. Pretty much, if you  have a really embarrassing or unflattering holiday photos (the pictures that will absolutely never be on a greeting card), they want to see them and let thousands of people vote on them. They’re looking for the absolute worst and most hilarious.  RULES Between October 31, 2008 and November 19, 2008, people can visit, click on the “Get Real” contest button and upload their favorite real life photos. On December 1, consumer voting will begin and visitors to the “Get Real” contest website will have a chance to vote for their favorite photos. Winners will be announced December 11.  THE PRIZES

    Two grand prizewinners, one from each category, will receive a new Canon Digital SLR Camera along with five sets of 20 PictureItPostage Stamps™. In addition, eight first prizewinners, four from each category, will each receive one set of 20 PictureItPostage Stamps™.

    Im going to try the postage, but I honeslty don’t think I have any really bod photos. Just in case YOU do-you may want to give it a try. I wish I did have soem doozies because them I could win the camera! LOL!

    Good Luck


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    Owner/Designer of My Time Made Easy* My Timeless Templates © by Lauren Meader for Papertrey Ink* SCS Dirty Dozen-past* A Chemistry With Paper-past* All That Scraps-Senior Designer - past* Green Grass Stamps-past* Gina K -Stamps for a Cause guest designer* Lizzie Anne Designs - past* My Favorite Things-Senior Designer -past* Our Daily Bread Guest Designer-past* Papertrey Ink - past* Pink Cat Studio- past* Reporter for Craft Critque-past* Say it with Letter Guest Designer* Stampavie -past* Storage Ink & More Guest Designer* Team Member for Scor-Pal*Su Ink & More-Past* Unity Stamps-past* Smile Box Avaitor-past*Numerous guest designer positions

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