Archive for the ‘Home decor/3-D items’ Category

Its in the Bag Challenge!

Jul 1, 2008 Author: mytime | Filed under: Home decor/3-D items

So Nichole has challenged us to use her FABULOUS  Coffee Bags in a fun way.

Make sure you check out all the Senior Design Team members blogs 😀



Heather (Pine)



I LOVE challenges and I especially LOVE altering stuff (in case you didn’t notice :D) Altered gift packing is just so fun, and your recipients feel special that not only did you make a card, but you took the time and attention to the packaging. Packaging doesn’t always have to be something complex and difficult. Keep it simple.

 The greatest thing about these Coffee Bags is not only are they STAMPABLE, but the interior of the bags are lined with waxed paper, which will prevent any oils from the treats they contain from seeping to the outside of your project.

I really love her coffee bags for gift giving. Usually we think a great time to send treats is during the holidays. That isn’t always the case though. Don’t you love when people think of you ALL year? Receiving a gift for NO reason is the BEST!

So here is my gift idea:

A few months ago my friend Paulette sent me this wet mix in a ziplock bag. It was for

Amish Friendship Bread. I had to take the 10 days to make the mixutre. Then separate it out and pass the mix along to a couple of people.

 The idea behind Amish Friendship Bread is that it is the chain letter of the baking world. The idea is very simple: a friend gives you a cup of yeast culture (also known as “starter”) and a copy of instructions. Following the instructions, you add sugar, flour and milk and it rises. Eventually, you end up with 4 cups of the starter. You use one cup to make bread (the instructions provide you with the recipe), keep one cup to start a new cycle and give two cups to your friends. Each of your friends also gets a copy of the instructions for what to do with the yeast starter. The latter part makes it somewhat like a chain letter. Of course, Amish Friendship Bread does not come with any promises of riches for those who spread it on or curses for those who don’t.

It was created because the Amish believe that we live in a fast paced world. Fast food, lack of time taken to enjoy the cooking/baking process with family & friends. By giving and receiving the kit, you are not only sharing of yourself, but taking time in the fast paced life to stop and make something from scratch so it is home made.

I made the bread and it tasted AMAZING!!!!  So I promptly passed it along. Ever since I hoped to get more 😀 I made a starter to pass along, and decided this is how  I am going to give this mixture.

amsih-friendship-breat-mix.jpg choice-amish-friendship-bread-mix.jpg click to enlarge

I typed up my recipe/instructions, then resized them to fit my project. I then printed them in a plum color onto vintage cream cardstock. I then used the house image  Boards & Beams, and stamped the house in Lavendar Moon.

I took my LONG rectangle scallop nestabilities to die cut the long scallop mat from Plum Pudding cardstock. I layered on my recipe. The best part about this bag is I didn’t ADHERE the recipe to the bag. It is just held on with the ribbon. Now the person receiving it can slip it off and keep the recipe for future use 😀

I used my Guidelines patterned paper to make a simple cover for my bag. I felt it was very in theme with the simple Amish way of living.

I used my Making Memories ribbon slot tool to then string though my simple satin ribbon, which holds my recipe in place, as well as my tag with my greeting. I then kept it simple with decorating it using prima flowers and adhesive pearls.

Once it was decorated ( 3 bags took 20 minutes 😀 to make including printing recipe) I poured in my mixture.

TIP:  I wrapped my bags with saran wrap before pouring anything,  just in case I spilled anything, my bags wouldn’t be ruined. 😀 Which me being the messy clutz I am, they would have been ruined. LOL!

I hope you enjoyed this simple project, and you take the time to make one for a friend, family member, teacher or neighbor!

Here is the recipe-you can just copy & paste !

Amish Friendship Bread

Important Note:

Don’t use metal spoons or equipment.

Do not refrigerate.

Use only glazed ceramic or plastic bowls or containers.

Required Main Ingredient1 cup live yeast (already in starter kit)

day 1: Do nothing with the starter. days

2-5: Stir with a wooden spoon. day 6: Add 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, and 1 cup milk. Stir with a wooden spoon.

 days 7-9:Stir with a wooden spoon.

Day 10:  Add 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar and 1 cup milk. Stir.

Take out 3 cups and place 1 cup each into three separate plastic containers.Give one cup and a copy of this recipe to three friends.To the balance (a little over one cup) of the batter,add the following ingredients and mix well.

1 cup oil
1/2 cup milk
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla

In a separate bowl combine the following dry ingredients and mix well:

2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1-1/2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 – (5.1 oz) box instant vanilla pudding
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup nuts

Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients.

Mix and pour into two well greased and sugared bread pans.

Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour.


LOST-in my stamp archives

Jun 29, 2008 Author: mytime | Filed under: Cards, Home decor/3-D items

Well this is what happens when you stamp a million things at once. You load them all and then forget you have made them-until you begin to file for the next release! LOL!

So here are 2 projects (amongst a few others EEK!) that I totally forgot to upload :C


This is a box I made using the Anne LaPoint image called Chamomile

from MFT—>HERE. Inside I put Chamomile tea 😀 Gave this to  a sick friend. She seemed to enjoy it.

Then I made this Ice Cream Party invite.


I created a paper cone out of a scallop nestabiltiy and my cuttlebug die 😀

I just die cut the large scallop, then ran it through my CB folder. Rolled up and tied closed. Bag filler is the ice cream. This was just a little something to replace my original idea-because I didn’t have the candy or a real ice cream cone

EDITED TO ADD: It is the mosiac tile CB folder 😀


It would be fun to include a REAL cone, with candy inside. This is along thw whole make your own sundae idea. Maybe make those candy ice cream cone’s like when we were kids. They had the mini cone with the sugar fluff filling. I tried to locate some to no avail :C That was my thought behind this idea. Its fun to give fun invites 😀

Well that is my quickie post for tonight. Since I forgot to share. I have a million things to do this week! Like my first PTI newsletter!! WOW!! I hope you enjoy that. Monday I have a Pink Cat challenge card to share, and another PTI project that is sure to get you thinking about gift giving.

OK Im off. I have a stamp class to teach, and have just been so tired, so will most likely fall flat on my face after.

and it is draining my mojo! LOL! More on that later-

Summer is definitely here and Im running around doing something everyday. Just crazy.

So yesterday guess what happened?

Alexa got her ears pierced!!!! She came up to me while I was getting ready and said “I want to go get earrings like Amber” I have photos in my phone (don’t know how to get them off it) and will hope to get more photos later today. She wasn’t exactly up for photo opts.

I then grilled her for an hour asking if she was sure that is what she wanted.

Alexa is a tough girl. She has been through some of the worst things ever, and is AMAZING, but little things like clipping her fingernails-sends her over the edge sometimes. So how am I suppose to think she won’t freak out the second her hiney hits the chair to get her ears done?

So while she was in the “zone” I packed up the kids and headed to the mall. The place we had Amber’s ears done only had one person available. Yeah-not that confident, thanks. My luck Alexa would have ONE earring the rest of her life. Since this is a total OPTIONAL thing Im not about torturing my girls to get earrings. It has been their idea, and that is good. I could care less if they ever had them done. I will say they look super cute.

So we get to the other store mall and they have 2 people! YEAH! Not a wasted trip. Alexa picks out her earrings. I am thinking-OK when is she going to freak out? She gets up in the chair by herself, and I ask if she wants to sit in my lap. She said “No.”

Amber begins to rub Alexa’s knee saying”Alexa it is going to be OK. Look at my ears. It didn’t hurt at all” “Its OK sweetie” This was the sweetest thing ever. I was so touched.

Next thing you know they were done! I couldn’t even believe it. YEAH! Sorry I just had to share as I was so happy and shocked. They are so shiny and cute.

OK stamping stuff-

Not a creative week here for me. I think because it is the first week of summer vacation. I have much to do, and am running behind. That never happens! YIKES! I work well under pressure so hopefully that will kick my mojo into high gear.

Today Ill share what we did for Alexa’s 1:1 aid-who I love and adore. She takes such good care of Alexa and really puts her best interest first. She is great with her. I don’t know what I would do without her. Other’s out there who have positions like that, I hope you all know how invaluable you are to these families. You have the most amazing respect from me. It isn’t an easy job, but one that will impact lives forever.

I thank you! Plus you don’t get paid anywhere near what you are worth. A true work of the heart.


This is the card I made for Alexa’s Aid. I made the card, and stamped it, then let Alexa color in the Groovy Alexa image from Alexa’s Set. Unfortunately orders for her set are on hold :C. Those who don’t know….. Alexa’s set was made FOR Alexa! All proceeds benefit Pediatric Leukemia & Lymphoma Research!! I am so proud of that.

The paper is by SEI. The fun thing about that collection is the word blocks. Alexa’s teacher is Mrs. Darling! LOL! SO I stamped the “Mrs.” above the word block “darling”.

Alexa did all the writing inside. She wrote exactly what she wanted and it was really cool to see her reading and writing skills improve so much. Children with Down Syndrome usually have a difficult time reading. I am so proud to say Alexa reads for HOURS a day, on her own. She loves reading. She will sit next to me while I am on the computer and read all sorts of books to me. She still has been picking bigger books with longer, more difficult words, but its just an amazing thing to see your baby reading. NO memorizing-actually reading and know how to write their own sentences. She is forever making me little letters. She puts them in the mailbox for me to find! I get teary just writing about it.

She is forever the child they said she never would be. If it doesn’t make sense you need to read my page here Alexa’s Story. I was basically told to abort her that she would never have a full life, and basically just burden mine. How wrong they were.

Look at what I would be missing!

alexa.jpg Alexa a few weeks ago.

So sensitive, beautiful, amazing, happy, smart, determined, sassy and full of life, love and POSSIBLITY! I see a world unlike anything anyone knows in her. A life with great purpose.

I may have met my match for Dunkin Donuts Coffee obsession! Alexa’s aid always has a HUGE cup of DD coffee. So for the end of the year gift I got her a travel mug from there.

I made a little slip on card hanger, for the mug! Too cute.


What better Bella to use than Lattebella?! LOVE HER! Now I am freakin-because upon linking her I just found a bunch of new ones! OH! NO!! I feel an order coming on………..


i-wished -i looked-so -good-on-a-bike-abella


Oh then I had to STOP LOOKING!!!

 I filled the travel mug with StarBucks coffee flavored truffles-if you love coffee these are fabulously delicious!  LOOKIE what I found—>WOW!!! NOTE: Get them at Sam’s club. You will pay $5 in regular stores for a TINY package. Where you pay the SAME price at Sam’s Club for TRIPLE the amount!! Packaging is even the same, only larger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I then included a gift card to Dunkin Donuts for her in the pocket.

NOTE: For gift cards- Always keep your receipt! Sometimes they don’t “activate” when you purchase them. If you have the receipt, you are all set. I always include them with the card. I have had cards not activate from everywhere!! Stores, gas cards (from the hospital) grocery store cards (also from hospital) and even restaurants.

bella-mug-side.jpg From the top

I used Hot Stuff for the tag sentiment.

The flower is a punch. I used my Bella Dots for the flower centers. Those things are sheer PERFECTION! Love them!

and another


OK I realize this short post turned into a super long one. Sorry! I got all emotional in there for a minute. So much in my head I guess. Better get stamping!!! That always sets me straight! LOL!

I guess my thing today would be STOP, and look at what you have in your life, that you never thought possible! There has to be ONE thing to be super thankful for.

Enjoy the day 😀 And thanks for looking.

Flower Fairy Party

Jun 26, 2008 Author: mytime | Filed under: Home decor/3-D items, Tutorials, Uncategorized

Got little girls?

Need a party idea?

Well look no further!

How about a Flower Fairy Party? It is cute for a wide age group, it is interactive, and it isn’t an expensive party to have! You can do this right at home. All you need is some imagination (provided here :D), some cardstock, and a few other supplies you may already have.

My little Amber is turning 4 this August. I have been getting ready with Party Planning ideas (yes already-time is ticking). I LOVE planning my kids parties. That is part of why I got into rubber stamping DAnd why I took cake decorating classes last year (only made one cake since LOL!).

I asked her what she wanted for her party theme-she said I want to make Flower Fairies. Read on to see where that idea came from.

In reality we are having a Spa party for Amber, but I LOVE sharing great ideas (and HELLO I have another daughter who I really may use this for instead-she will be 9) so figured I’d give it a go. You can see later what I pull together for that SPA party!! Im already so excited.

Even if you aren’t having a Flower Fairy Party this is still a super activity for when a friend comes over-or a fun activity to MAIL!!! You can print off the directions/photos here to send with a gift for those LONG distance birthday’s.

Here we go!

The best thing about this party idea is it is totally interactive. From age 3 and up your daughter can help with the entire process!! Let her do the punching paper, and putting the supplies together. Once you keep reading you will find all sorts of fun things she can help with (stress free). Amber helped with most of this party planning. She loves helping in my craft room.

Here is what you would do to plan ANY great party.

Pick the theme– well we already decided here it is a Flower Fairy theme. I would go one step ahead with this one and ask the girls to dress up like fairies!! Some sort of attire with wings 😀

Have your child pick a main color . With this particular party you could definitely do a different color for each guest-but the easiest thing would be to do ONE main color.

Amber changes her favorite color daily! Today it was red. She will be the perfect crafter since she loves ALL colors.

Choose a date, time, place. Once that is done you need to plan the invitation! For this party I thought a FLOWER shaped invite would be best! They are cute and simple.

Here is the back-


I used Lizzie Anne’s-It’s a Party set ( I ADORE this set for party invites!!! Its one of the ONLY party invite sets I own that I actually USE!) I also uses Papertrey Ink Simple Alphabet for Amber’s name (and would use to spell out party info). I have messy handwriting so would never write in the info. You can also print info on your computer.

I just punched the red cardstock with theMarvy Giga Flower punch. I stamped the party info in red ink onto lemon tart cardstock, and punched with a large Fiskars circle punch.

I then layered a green pipe cleaner , folded in 1/2 (tied with ribbon as leaves) in between the front and back of the invite.

Now your invitation should give people insight to the party theme, and what the party will be like! We decided to make it a much more fun invitation 😀 Your child would LOVE handing these out to friends. If mailing they can usually fit a buisness size envelope.


We put our flower into a home made Pixie Stixs holder! Now that is fun! AND EASY.

Just pick a double sided cardstock that coordinates with your theme.

Cut cardstock 12 X 3 1/2.

Score 2 inches from the bottom, round corners, and make pocket. Then decorate as desired!

For the main character we used Dress Up Lily (or Dress Up Amber in this case, since this set can be personalized with your child’s name!). This set is the perfect Fairy. We colored her to match our flower fairies we are making. You could even let the girls you invite do the coloring instead 😀 Just leave Lily blank.

Pick a cake theme-this one is pretty easy. I would do a flower shaped cake or a cake with a bunch of pretty flowers. Maybe stick the flower fairies in the cake for decoration.

Accessories-You would get Flower shaped plates, or plates with a garden theme, and colorful napkins.

Buy plastic/paper cups in the color of your flower theme. Punch a flower, to match the accessories, and put it on the front of each cup-labeled with the child’s name (so they know who has what cup :D). This is when a Label maker comes in handy!! Use the clear labels and you can print several at a time!

 Decorate your napkins by wrapping your tableware in there, then rolling them up, and secure with flower rings.  Add girls name to center to double as little flower place settings.

Here are the napkin rings:


I just punched out the Giga Flower in red cardstock. Layered with the SU! Scallop punched from Lemon Tart, them my flower center is Spring Moss.

I then cut a strip 1 1/2 inches wide by 8 1/2 inches long- from Spring Moss cardstock. I put the ends together, then secured it closed with a brad. I trimmed the ends to look like leaves, and bent them to the side. Added flower to front-DONE!


Another fun tip-for a party banner.

You could punch a row of flowers. Before assembling like above-string through ribbon in the flower centers, then assemble like above. Die cut letter to spell your child’s name or Happy Birthday!

Party Favors-These are usually small thank yous to give out after the party. Don’t over do it.


These favors are fun, easy and inexpensive! They use just ONE sheet of cardstock. That is about 0.22 CENTS!! You can’t buy anything that looks like this for THAT price.

The box ties in the flower and color theme. It is also a fun way to present our party activity!

I created this using my scallop nestabilties (yes I did do other little baskets just like this at a class last month-see that HERE!).

Just die cut 4 layers of scallops. (2 large for the front/back), then  2 smaller layering scallops for flower basket front. Snip the scallop edges, layer, and put a flower center. Create the side by cutting a 8 X 3 pieces

Along 3 inch-score at 1/2 inch on either side.

Along 8 inch-score at 3-then 5. Snip sides then adhere.

I got these FUN ladybug chocolates from Lindt, so I attached them to the front of the boxes with glue dots. Cute touch!

Pick an activity! This is very important when planning any party! What fun activity can you do, that not only ties in the party theme, but is fun?

 Better yet, try to pick one to DOUBLE as your party favor. Often times we spend a lot on a party, then add too many $1 goodies that begin to really add up!

Flower Fairy Friends Activity


Above you can see the party activity (fits into the flower box) all gathered, and ready to go with all the supplies each child needs.

I just bought a roll of Tulle for a $1, Placed my little items in small glassine bags, wrapped my goodies in there. I used the same punched flower layers as my other projects for the closure. I just punched a hole in the flower center, and pulled through the tulle to keep pocket closed 😀 Cute, and easy.

ACTIVITY-Make your own Flower Fairy Friends!!

 Amber saw these little clothespin Fairy things in a upscale children’s store, and they were like $10 EACH!!! Needless to say we did NOT buy those. I looked at them and knew I could make my own, and I have to say they came out even better than the store ones-as theirs were mainly yarn.

Flower Fairy


You want to assemble supplies for each girl to make 2 Fairies. Then they have Fairy FRIENDS!!!

Here is what you need.

Redline tape. Mono multi, Sharpie marker in Fairy color of choice. Glue dots, and dimensional glue dots

2 wooden clothes pins (sold in a pack of 30 for $2.99)

Googlie Eyes (it is best for you to pre-glue the eyes, and make the smile face-depending on age) You can get a large bag for about a $1. You want the smaller eyes.

7 strips of yarn per clothes pin (so 14 for 2 fairies) You can get a large roll of $0.99

Bling-for the crowns. He we used silver snowflake (cut in 1/2 to get 2 crowns). You can use a variety of other things, or opt nor no crowns even.

Wire- ends bent in on both sides for the hands/arms (2 per kit)

2 pieces of wide adhesive ribbon. You can use a variety of things, this is what I found to be easiest. Especially for the younger girls. I used Martha Stewart adhesive ribbon for this since it matched Amber’s color theme. You don’t need much to get many fairies!!

EK Success giga butterfly punch. Punched 2 pink vellum butterflies per fairy (so 4 per kit) The head/tail will be trimmed off. Pink vellum from Martha Stewart.

2 Felt flowers or fabric flowers. These are usually sold several in a package. Mine are American Crafts.

(not shown) floss (thick thread for cross stitcher) in color to match to tie pony tails-that is optional

Photo of supplies for ONE fairy below:


Directions: Click to enlarge photos

Step 1-remove backing from adhesive ribbon-wrap around clothespin body

adhesive-ribbon-apply.jpg   wrap-adhesive-ribbon.jpg

Step 2-Place wire on back-cover with dimensional glue dot


Step 3-Snip head/tail off vellum butterflies. Adhere to back. Layer second one.


Step 4-Snip a larger slit into your flowers (you may pre-cut these), for your fairy to slide on skirt

snip-flower-skirt.jpg  slide-up-flower-dress.jpg  tape-fairy-head.jpg

Step 5-Use redline tape, and put on front and back of clothes pin head. 4 strips of yarn for top of head, 3 for back (redline tape can be done ahead as well) May need help tying into pony tails. Then trim excess yarn

top-of-fairy-head.jpg  flower-fairy-pony-tails.jpg

Step 6-Use sharpie marker to color on shoes.

Step 7-Apply crown. Usually stick in between hair and the redline tape will hold it in place pretty well.

Back of fairy (clipped onto a bucket)


So there you have it. Everything you need to plan a Flower Fairy party!!

If you want a MILLION ideas check out this site—->Peppers & Pollywogs. Lots of amazing kid party tips & ideas. This kit idea will be featured there very soon 😀

I also ready Lisa’s book Dear Peppers and Pollywogs. It was awesome. More on that later.

I am on the run!

Unity Peek #2 and a home made baby gift!

Jun 24, 2008 Author: mytime | Filed under: Cards, Home decor/3-D items

How is your week going so far?

I am late in posting because I gathered up the kids (and the neighbors daughter) to go to the town pool to start the day. They are already getting antsy being home . You know how hard it is to round up 4 kids-sunscreen-drinks-fruit-snacks-towels-change of clothes-first aid kit and sand toys-just to be out of the house by 10am?

Well I did it. We are due for big thunderstorm this afternoon, and I wanted to let the kids ahve fun before that. Well, I get there and the guy at the gate says its being reserved till 12:30 for the senior citizens and they don’t want a bunch of crazy kids splashing all over them, so come back later.

I then pleaded with him to let us at least use the playground, and it was going to rain all afternoon. He said “Too bad sweetheart I’m not the weather man. I don’t care if it rains all day. Not my problem. Come back later.”

NICE!!! My blood was boiling because I didn’t warrant this attitude. He’s lucky I had  little ears with me! LOL!

Anyway……now for some more eye candy for the 2 Unity set giveaways!!


The Unity Release Party is tomorrow night!! Wednesday June 25th at 8 pm CST (9pm EST). Check out the party forum here.

There are also 2 other DT members with Blog Candy-search around!! See my side bar for links.

PLUS all the DT members are featuring peeks on their blogs today!

Check Angela’s blog , for a special DT member feature on Natalie.

Now 2 more new peek samples 😀 using my 2 give away sets



Now I took the same funky set, and used an image, and made it look a little more elegant 😀 Gotta love versatility!!! The Chatterbox paper really helped me achieve that look, as did the scalloped square.

Tiny Trinity


This card also used a sentiment from the Thanks to you set.

I just stamped this tree onto patterned paper-colored in the trunk, then cut out. Its a cute and easy image to do this with.

I made it an “apple” tree by using the clear Bella Dots, and coloring them with a Sharpie marker, and adhered with mono-multi glue (in love with that stuff).

My creative memories wavy cutter made my hills.

Now I am so bouncing up & down over this next project!!

 Jasons BEST friend just had his very first baby yesterday! A little girl. When I got the call she was in labor I began frantically thinking of what would we would present the baby with at the hospital.

I have an idea for a gift but am saving that one for her home coming party in a month. Its a bit more involved.

I was going to buy a frame and have it engraved with her info. Well wouldn’t you know I could not find one for the life of me that I liked! Then while at Target I found a 3D frame for $6!!! It had an Angel clip and some script on the back. I took it aprat and created my own frame!

When thinking about the design I took into account that the mother is very earthy. She loved pink & brown (yeah!!!) and she originally registered for THIS set Crib set, and all the accessories that looked like THIS. She then said I think gender neutral is best, so she switched what she registered for,  since they hope to have more babies in the future.

SO that was my jumping point. I KNEW she loved that style.

Sweet Blush is the PERFECT soft pink!!!

Here is the Once Upon A Time frame


This frame uses-The June Kit of the Month-Bliss & a Birdie (bird , once upon a time sentiment, and bliss sentiment),Beautiful Morning, Circle of Thanks.

I LOVE how the sentiment wraps around the corner of the photo. The photo supplied in there is actually my daughter Amber, right after she was born-when she grabbed Jason’s thumb, under the warmer. It is one of my most cherished photos.

I didn’t want to leave the frame plain so I put that in there. I used the Sepia choice for a brown tone when printing. I wanted Jenny to have an idea of what she could put in the frame, and have a template to cut from. The photo is barely stuck in there.

I stamped the branches, and colored them. I then added white liquid pearls, and punched vellum flowers (colored insides-added liquid pearls).

I stamped the Bliss sentiment onto the glass of the frame in white Stazon.


I blurred out the baby name-but the baby name and info was printed off on my computer, then die cut out onto the tag. Around the tag is the circle image-hard to see in the photo.

 The bird is stamped on the glass as well, in brown stazon. He looks just like he is itting on the branch!


I did put the finished page into the frame before stamping my Bliss & Birdie onto the glass. I also kept StazOn remover close by! Luckily I got it perfect the first try.

I also added a fabric tag, and large button for some balance. Just fun little girly things.

I use SU! Wide chocolate satin ribbon to tie around the outside of the frame-for more of a nice boutique feel.

I hope she likes it. I put a lot of time and thought inot what looks like a very simple design. It is so important to have balance.

Then came the card. I had no idea what I was going to do-but then said Why re-invent the wheel? I already created a great template for the Onesie card!! So I made another.

This one a did a little different, by adding a skirt!


The skirt is floated off the base a little at the bottom. I made the curvy trim with my Creative Memories wavy cutter.

I think its just adorable!

The dots are done using Polka Dot Basics

Thanks for looking. I’ll be back tomorrow with more to report. I hope this inspires you to create your own frame for your next baby gift! Get inspired from their registry!!

Dont miss more blog candy for Storage Units, Ink & More

—>Here Debbie


DAD: 5 reasons why we love you-and a big event!

Jun 15, 2008 Author: mytime | Filed under: Cards, Home decor/3-D items

Happy Fathers Day! Watch out I am long winded tonight.

My how times have changed. In a good way. Back “in the day”, men really didn’t have to do much with their children. They were just expected to work and provide for their family. The women take care of the house and kids. Even when I was a kid, many fathers didn’t participate in most things children did. It was very rare to see. It was also just accepted as how it was.

Well NOW I am happy to say most dads are very hands on! They not only help with the kids care, but they go to all their activities and WANT to be involved. You see dads at the doctors, and all their kids practices, and games, school meetings, trying to put in ponytails, and fix tutu’s at dance, and some even pitch in and do housework!!

Now I am not saying EVERY dad does this, just that I have noticed a huge change in the way fathers interact with their children, and I feel so fortunate to be able to be a part of this generation 😀 I have great hope for the generation to follow. I know I give my son the same type of duties as the girls. Nothing is based on gender in this house. We can ALL do the dishes etc.

I am so blessed to have Jason as a father to my children. I appreciate him more than words can say.

You may know he is not Alexa’s biological father, but he is who she calls dad. By her own choice. He real father she calls  by his first name. He left her life, by his choice for 3 years w hen she was just 6 months old, and then he returned when she was 3. Jason has been in her life since she was 14 months old. She use to call him Jason, then one day just pointed to him and said “that daddy”. She was so right. He IS daddy. I will never forget that moment. I felt happy that I was able to not only find a companion for me, but a super amazing “dad” and role model for her. That was never my intention, but it just worked out that way.

He attended EVERY doctor’s appointment, and therapy session she ever had. Every hospitalization there he was. Not because it was a front, or he had to, he WANTED to! He was the one going to the beach and the zoo. Helping put her in time out during those naughty phases. ALL that really made me fall hard, let me tell you. You would never know she wasn’t HIS. I cannot tell you what that means. Especailly having a child with special needs. That is a lot for a young and single guy to choose to take on. Let me say his mom did something right!!

I really shows that anyone can be a FATHER, but it takes a special man to be a dad! It really is true.

My dad wasn’t that great to be honest. I am happy that my children have a dad that loves them and wants to be involved in every step of their life. They will have very different memories than I do. Im not saying I have bad memories, but the only person ever always there was my mom. I knew I could always count on her. My children have a great home with parents who care for them, and love them.  We also love each other and I hope that sets the bar for their future relationships.

So now its time to share a FUNNY moment-of kids say the darnedest things.

Today was funny because while we were out “celebrating dad”, Noah said “Mom when is MY day?”

I said what do you mean your birthday? Its not till November so you have 5 months left.

Noah say’s “No I mean MY day. You just got your day and daddy has his day today, when is Noahs day?

(now I realize he means Mother’s Day and Father’s Day)

I said “Oh you mean a day for you. Well kids don’t have a day like that”

Noah-“Why? Man that is so cheap! I want a Noah day”

I had to just laugh at the concept. They way kids think! It only makes sense I guess.

Now onto the gift-I had the kids wrap all his gifts with aluminum foil! LOL! It was cute.

I wanted to document this amazing time in our lives. When little things our children say, do and feel are just so touching. When I saw the sentiment “5 things I love about you”  from Unity Stamps Best Friends set (also part of the random special 3)  I knew that would be the concept idea for my book. I am not including all the pages, some are more personal, but figured it would br cute to see what the kids created.

This book got jay all teary! I was so happy!!!

So here is the cover


I had the kids help me make a mini book. They each drew their own picture of things with dad. I then asked them to each list 5 reasons they love their dad. I typed up their answers in their words, onto their drawing.

Then bound them into this little book.

Noah-this is him and daddy so happy playing xbox together! LOL!  He had to print it himself and everything-hence the crooked print. He is so independent sometimes.


Amber-She drew a lot of happy people!! Oh and a flower is in there too.


Alexa’s page-she still needs to get her handprint done for it.

She said that was her heart, and inside is all love love-her card reads-I love dad-

she had to also sign her FULL name.


So cute! I love when they help do little projects like this, and they feel so special and important too.

Now another fun and BIG event!


Amber got her ears pierced!! Can you see them??

I don’t know WHAT got into me today. We went shopping for video game stuff for Daddy. Well in the mall there was a ear piercing place with a lot of sparkly earrings (we NEVER go to the mall). Amber was just mesmerised by this. She has been putting stickers on her ears for “earrings” for sometime now. She has been DYING to get her ears pierced. I have not has th courage to let her do it. But, I said you know, why not! So she picked out her earrings Pretty pink stone flower ones-14K gold. Not cheapies by any means. Anyway I began filling out the paperwork when daddy showed up. I told him I was letting her get her ears pierced and he turned WHITE! He was like “No way. You are not doing this.”

I said she loves earrings and its better to let her do it now”

He then went on to scare her and tell her it was going to hurt- A LOT!

So I BANISHED him from the event immediately! LOL! He was trying to scare her out of it. Heck he was scaring me! LOL!

Now if she was scared or freaking out there is no way I would make her get it done.

I told her it would sting like a bee. I reminded her of when she had labs done a while ago, and say it may hurt like that (she was awesome for that BTW!)and asked her if she still wanted to do it.

She said yes. She got her earrings and sat in my lap, and didn’t even flinch when they did it. Jay peeked out from where he was hiding and could not believe how amazing she did. Then she said “Daddy look at my pretty earrings! Im a big girl. It didn’t hurt at all!”

He said “Well I had my ear pierced and it hurt a lot”

She said “You are a big baby. It doesn’t hurt.” “Maybe someday when you are a big girl you can do it again and see”

THAT was hilarious!!

The woman said younger girls do really well. I thought for sure she may cry right after, but not a tear. She then asked if we could go buy some sparkly nail-polish like I had on (she wanted the exact one that the spa put o0n my nails) and off we went!

She has then had us call like every person we know to tell that that she got her ears pierced! LOL!

Well that is it for me tonight. Gotta get dinner cleaned up and the kids into bed. Its the last week of school (OH NO!!! LOL!).

Papertrey Ink Release June

Jun 15, 2008 Author: mytime | Filed under: Cards, Home decor/3-D items

I LOVE this month’s Papertrey Ink release. Then again, don’t we all.

This month allowed me to do such a variety of cards, and use many techniques, my head was just spinning with ideas!!

They go from simple, to more involved. I love that versatility in a set when you see a bunch of possibilities.

I went crazy combining both the Birds of a feather set, with the Flower Garden set. They are a perfect match! You would think that they were designed by the same person!!

Congrats to fellow DT member Lisa Johnson for completing her very first set!! 

OK so now I will share my creations. I always LOVE your feedback on which is your favorite and why. I realize I often love very different ones than most. I think I have bad taste! LOL!

This month my most favorite project was Lady Bird Window. My idea just flowed onto the paper.

OK enough blabbering

Simple Seeds


A great card for those times you need many of the same card, or this makes a great gift set. The 2 step stamping made this card a super simple option.


Stamps-Flower Garden, Flower Garden Sentiments, Birds of a feather
Ink-black, positively pink, gable green
Cardstock-PTI select white

Just a simple card, for those times you don’t have time!
This one uses the 2 step stamping this set offers

Sow Many Colors

I think this is my 2nd favorite. No idea why. Maybe the simple clean look, circle and colors-lets not forget the bling


Using various pieces of cardstock, I made a quick and colorful thank you, in under 5 minutes! ALL the Papertrey Perfect Match colors coordinate beautifully.

Stamps-Flower Garden, Flower Garden Sentiments
Ink-Berry Sorbet, Sweet Blush, Aqua Mist, Summer Sunrise, Lemon Tart, Spring Moss, black
Cardstock- White, Berry Sorbet, Sweet Blush, Aqua Mist, Summer Sunrise, Lemon Tart, Spring Moss
Other-black satin ribbon, circle punch, Martha Stewart butterfly punch, Hero Arts adhesive rhinestones

While this card was quick and easy the gorgeous colors pack a real impact. I used the solid flower, stamped on the edges of my circles, and scattered in various positions on the card, for a whimsical look.

Seeds of Love


2 step stamping on colored cardstock, a little sponging, and cutting and you get a gorgeous look!!


Stamps- Flower Garden, Flower Garden Sentiments
Ink-Summer Sunrise, Pumpkin, Wasabi, Berry Sorbet
Cardstock-PTi white, lemon tart, summer sunrise, vellum cardstock, sweet blush
Other-sponge, singlo gel pen, copper brads, keytag punch, CB folder

I just love when images fall over the edges! this one was so much fun to create, as I utilized the 2 step stamping this set features. I just stamped on colored cardstock, cut and sponged. A beautiful effect.

Ruby Red



Stamps- Flower Garden, Flower Garden Sentiments, Birds of a Feather
Ink-Black StazOn, Old Olive
Paper by Scenic Route, Acetate Sheets
Other-Art Glitter Glue, Martha Stewart Glitter, circle punch, corner punch, black brads, red button

I love that this set has open and solid lines. In this card I utilized the open lines to create a glitterfied and beautiful flower garden! This set and birds of a feather seem like they were made for each other!! I can’t seem to use one, without the other.

 Lady Bird Window-MY FAVORITE of the release!



Stamps-Flower Garden, Flower Garden Sentiments, Birds of a Feather
Ink-Black Pallette, Gray
Cardstock-Sweet Blush, black, bray
Other-Scor-Pal, Nestabilties, Fantasy Film

I am in love with this card!! I love how the panel creates a window for the bird, to showcase its beauty. The flowers are the perfect soft touch. The combination of open line images, and solid ones are perfection!

This window card really shimmers and shines with 3D
flowers made using Fantasy Film. A great card to give to someone special who needs a lift.

New Beginnings


A sweet card for expectant parents, who plan on adding to their nest. I LOVE the unusual colors of this one, and the piercing.

Stamps: Birds of a Feather, Out on a Limb
Cardstock-PTI white, burgundy
ink-summer sunset, berry sorbet, sweet blush,  burgundy
other-onare piercing template, paper piercer, tag

I loved making this simple card for new parents-to-be. The mix of colors is so fresh, and fun.
The window adds a nice touch, and highlights the nest of eggs. A great new beginnings card.

Need a card in like 2 minutes? Here you go!


A Little Note

Stamps-Birds of a feather
Cardstock-berry sorbet

New Home Duo Planter-this is when an idea just transforms into a perfect creation. I was pretty happy about this one.


This is the perfect house warming gift for any new neighbor of friend, to say Welcome to the Neighborhood or Congratulations on your new home! A great way to present those new plants and house-warming gifts.


One plant out view

After much review the most popular type of house warming gift is a plant of sorts. I chose to use use 2 Parade Rose bushes as a gift, and present them in a nice way. That way they can be planted when the new home owner settles in. They will have them for many years to come, and it should add some beauty to their garden.


 The interesting holder makes a nice presentation. I simply measured my little pots for the rose bushes. I then measured and cut 2 holes using my circle nestabilties. I then added a sturdy handle to carry them, and a tag to match!



Stamps-Home Sweet Home
Ink- Pallette black, Lavender Moon
Cardstock-PTI Vanilla, Lavender Moon, Plum Pudding
Patterned Paper-Guideline 12 x 12 collection in Valencia, and Cabrera
Ribbon-Plum Pudding Twill
Other-acetate, souffle pen, 2 plants, circle nestabilities

Grid Lines Set


Great Masked Grid

This set has endless possibilities. I got this one rather late, and so wished I had time to create more fun things for you to view. Hey I have time after the release right?

This new set was a lot of fun to use, and made making this jeweled circle very easy to do!!!

I cut a circle mask using my Nestabilities, and then stamped in the circle to create this awesome imge. It used 2 of the desings in the set for a unique pattern.

Only took me 12 minutes to make this card!!! I used a plastic grid (idea courtesy of Jody Morrow-which I was told was her idea from Sharon’s blog) to create the pierced circles going around the circle. So easy to do. Great effect! I tell you I am just in awe of the talent in this area of life. You people all blow me away.


Stamps- Guide Lines
Ink-Palette ink in Plum Pudding, white craft ink CTMH
Cardstock- Lavender Moon, Plum Pudding
Ribbon-Plum Pudding Polka Dot
Other- Nestabilites cut out for mask
Swiss Dots CB folder, corner rounder
singlo white gel pen, purple Rhinestones from Hero Arts,
cross stitch template for paper piercing

So that is that. I really enjoyed making these projects for the releases. Please share what you loved and decided to put on your MUST HAVE list. I have to say I LOVE that Nichole has some purples and now VANILLA card-stock! YEAH!!

I hope to return with my Fathers Day project soon! Cross those fingers-and toes!!

Thanks for reading 😀


Getting organized, and need your opinions!

Jun 13, 2008 Author: mytime | Filed under: Home decor/3-D items

Well I know they say the 13th is suppose to be “unlucky”, but I am not sure sure I buy into that. Two of my children are born on the 13th (I admit it was the LAST date I wanted, but oh well), and can’t say I have had anything “bad” ever happen on that date (knockin on wood-I know that doesn’t make sense if Im not superstitious but whatever). Not sure where I was even going with that whole point-maybe each day is what you make it to be?


Amber has her mini preschool graduation! My baby is getting so big. I will be taking a lot of photos, that is for sure.

Today I hope to finish up my Father’s Day project-but it really depends how today goes. I have my class tonight! I am excited about that, and hope I have the energy to be excited when I am there. It will have been a LONG day by then.

In prepping for that my paper cutter BROKE! AGAIN!!

Here is where I need YOUR advice!

I am on the hunt for a new paper cutter-any suggestions would be much appreciated. I loved the Making Memories one I had, but I have to say its broken in some way or another FIVE times!! I kept returning it and replacing it-but now Im totally fed up with up it. It shouldn’t be breaking!! I ONLY cut one piece of cardstock at a time, and and well able to know how to properly use a cutter! One time my cutting wheel began cutting my paper jagged-it is suppose to be self sharpening), and every other time the bar near the cutting end (hold the paper down) snapped!! WHAT THE…….???? I have even had 2 that the black lines for the grid have begun to rub off-ON MY PROJECTS!! GRRR!!

Anyway please tell me what you love! I don’t care how much it is, as we all know that our paper cutter is invaluable!!

OK Now to my post for the day!

I get so many questions and comments about how I keep track of what I am suppose to do, and HOW I get it all done and so on.

As I said before I sketch a lot. I have a book just for jotting ideas down throughout my day. When stamp time arrives I have a plan and things generally go smoothly from there. Sometimes one idea runs into the next……………and Im a creating machine, other times NOTHIN.

The KEY is organization!! I think I drive my teammates insane with my need for clear cut deadlines and details. But, that is how I work. I can’t get anything done if I am not organized!!

Well me having a touch of OCD, I am OBSESSED with having a TO DO calendar (and lists of course). I have one right above my work desk so I just look up, and see what I need to do. Given I get most of my assignments via computer-I have a hard time remembering to write it down on the calendar downstairs, and find myself filling out little pieces of paper, to go transcribe to my calendar. Well those pieces get misplaced (or usually trashed as I de-clutter the desk). Obviously my system ins’t that effective, so time for a change!

 So for some time I had been dying to create a notebook JUST for that purpose!!! A calendar notebook.

I FINALLY got to it this week (while needing to create other things! I always get sidetracked into something more fun)-I created a CREATIVE note book-OK more like a huge BOOK (hahahaha) for all my design team work/assignments/projects/ideas!

Unite in Creativity Calendar Book


Isn’t it CUTE! I wanted it cute, but simple. This will take a beating over the next year I am certain of that!

I used Unity’s Create Yourself sentiment since it was PERFECT for this book. I am in LOVE with all the new single sentiments. They really ROCK!! Then to decorate, I LOVED the Best Friends set so much-so I used that here.

Brooke posted a Unity Challenge (HERE) to create a Days to Remember book. When I saw her calendar file I knew it was the PERFECT time for me to get my book done. Especially since adding a new team 😀 It really inspired me to get organized. Thanks Brooke for creating that file!! It was such a time saver for me!!

Each team has a section. See how I used Brooke’s file.


I just printed off the pages, then cut them down to the size I needed.

I can write in what I need to next to the date-which is VITAL!! I am showing you August, so I don’t give anything away! LOL! Nothing there-YET!

I used my Bind-it All to make it a spiral bound book. Let me admit that is one of my big ticket items that collected dust over the last year (or two). YIKES! But the important thing is, it was there when I needed it! LOL!!!!

For the little labels I used me Dymo Electric Label maker. Everyone needs one of those! mine allows you to change the size on the font, so I was able to do my bottom page labels, then make my tab labels all at once.

Feels good to get things organized!!

Speaking of which I gotta pack some last minute class stuff, and then get going!!

Have a great day! I hope you come back tomorrow for my Saturday Sketch!!

Till then 😀

Billy has a sleepover!

Jun 10, 2008 Author: mytime | Filed under: Home decor/3-D items

Before I start todays post RUN to Michaels! LOL! (but save enough money to buy Q.T. Hooty and Dress Up Billy first! LOL!) They have all their punches 40% off!! They got in a ton of new ones!! Even the treading Water one I use over and over!! AND the all the other new Fiskars border punches and Crop-a-dile BIG BITE, which I got to use a 50% OFF coupon on!! Happy Dancin!! WOW! I need to take a breath.

Well Dress Up Billy is almost here!! let me tell you, you are going to LOVE him!!! *LOVE* Only 2 more days to go!! Then you can buy him HERE

Im squealing with delight over here on this project.

I am suppose to post 2 Billy projects but this one deserves its own, don’t you think?

My kids are getting to the age where they want to have a sleepover. I am paranoid so would be happy to let a little friend come over HERE, but most likely not let my kids go THERE. I know I’m probably over-protective but I have all I can do to let my oldest Alexa sleep over her Father’s house, let alone my kids go to a complete strangers! Anyway, the questioning lead to the idea of HOW to invite someone over for a sleepover, and then I saw Billy!! It was perfect!

I love the PJs he can be put in and HAD to use them immediately. I thought to myself……How cute would a sleepover survival kit be? Send it along with the invite!! I know would go! LOL!

So here it is


Dress Up Billy-Sleepover Survival Kit

With the kit you give a stamped Pillow Case. (Note: I used my stamp-a-ma-jig and stamped just the PJ’s first, then JUST Billy’s head, onto the PJ’s). I saw decorate your own pillow cases in the store for $10!!! My pillow case came courtesy of Walmart of a whopping $1.99!!!

 You also get my super cute Sleep Over Kit box that I designed using aceate and my Scor-Pal (yes you really need one!! They are also sold at The Paper Tree). I just used a Prima Paint can handle for my handle, which I attached to the kit using the large eyelets from SU!!

Now, inside the kit you will find an altered crayon box to color the pillowcase for a fun activity. See Directions HERE You may also see some PEZ Candy and a dispenser. Oh and we can’t forget the flashlight.

See inside??? The additions you can make are just endless.


 I could have added more but of course, none of my ideas were available to me. But I did create this poem for the kit!!


Just printed off on my computer using the Giddyup font.

Please note this is Poem is written/created by me, and can only be for personal use. No submissions/paid publications- PLEASE & thank you.

Now if you want a closer view of the top 😀


I paper pieced his little Jammies, and stamped the sock monkey face onto them.

I rolled up some wide American Crafts Grosgrain ribbon for the sleeping bag!! I personally loved that little touch! LOL!

Well that is it for now. I have much to do, and share later.

Don’t forget to check the other Pink Cat designers for more samples!  Also check out the contest HERE!


Fun Kids Project for ALL ages.

Jun 8, 2008 Author: mytime | Filed under: Home decor/3-D items, Uncategorized

Happy Sunday.

I feel so much better. I got everyone’s order’s straight and out the door yesterday. I was at the PO for an hour, and it cost almost $300 to ship everything! WOW!!!!!

I still have a couple that needed last minute stuff, so they will ship tomorrow. If you paid by check, once it arrives, I will send off your package.

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for clearing out my stuff!! I really appreciate you all taking this space suckers off my hands, and that they are going to a new home where they will feel the ink against their rubbah again! LOL!

If people don’t follow through with their purchases I will make it avail. to the first person who inquired about it, or if no one was interested I’ll re-list it.

Now onto FUN stuff.

Summer is here, in full effect! So far its a humid 97 degrees.

My kids will be on Summer vacation soon, and I go into PANIC mode!! They get VERY bored. So I am always on the hunt for fun projects to do to keep them happy on the days we won’t be going anywhere.

Today’s project is SOOOO SIMPLE and fun. Think b-day party project! The best parties have fun activities. I love doing crafts at my kids parties. Plus it shows the hubster how much you really need to buy your stamps-and that they are SOOOOO versatile!

Now with summer around the corner, how fun would it be to let your kids make their very own beach bag, to lug all their own stuff! Like swimsuits, sunscreen, sunglasses, drink & snacks? (You take the towels, and change of clothes)

This little thing alone (like packing their own bag) does several things-beside creates one day where they won’t climb up the walls in boredom:

1. Is less work for mom (sometimes)

2. Gives them some responsibility

3. Makes them more independent

4. MAY help take their mind off asking you repetitively “How many more minutes till we leave?”


Tote-ally Cool Bag-found at Michaels for only $1.49!! They have various sizes, very CHEAP!!! This is the perfect size for kids 3 and up to get to work!

Stamps-Lizzie Anne Le Jardin, sentiment from A Muse

Ink-Pallette Black, Pallette ink Chartreuse

Other-Crayola Crayons, wax paper, Heidi Swapp iron

PLEASE NOTE: Use more vibrant colors as they give the best results. COlors fade slightly after washing.

NOTE: Use what ever image your child wants. For the actual beach bag see THIS set-can you say PERFECT?!!!!

OK so-All YOU do is stamp the image.

Then let your child color it in with Crayola crayons .

Apply wax paper over finished coloring, and heat set with HOT iron for a few minutes.

DONE!! The bag shown above was colored by ME, and photo taken AFTER 2 washes (gotta test stuff before you say it works!!!)

Where did that fabulous idea come from? Well let me share this with you. As a SAHM I try to do a fun project of some sort with my kids everyday!! This is how I get stamp time AFTER!! Guilt free too. I am always on the hunt for fun, easy & cool things to do. This book is the PERFECT find.

I bought this book called Kids Concoctions “Special 10th Anniversary Edition” by John E. & Danita Thomas. Now the book I linked isn’t the exact one I purchased, but from the same people. The one I bought was a special on like QVC at Christmas time. The BEST purchase I could have made.

It is FULL of awesome kid projects and things to make that are SO easy (keep in mind my kids ages range from 3 to 8) and fun. Most importantly use household items you already have. WOW! Do I sound like an info-mercial or what. Sorry about that, but I really love this book for Mom’s or baby sitters. Day care providers would love it (OH!! Light goes off!! Im getting one for Amber’s end of year teacher gift!!! Pat self on back later)

Now for another project!!

Coloring DIRECTLY onto a T-Shirt!! Yes another Father’s Day t-shirt idea.


I made this for my son Noah & my husband! They have matching shirts!! I know a lot of you bought the Billy set from Pink Cat Studio. Perfect kids project to let them color the dad’s t-shirt!

Same directions as above. Just place cardboard under the shirt to make it easier for the kids to color.

That sentiment is from Out of This World, and was so perfect too.

Use whatever stamp sets you want.

Think how many gifts you can get out of a pack of t-shirts that cost like $5!!

OK that is my idea for the day.

Now Im back to stamp land. I have lots to create 😀 I don’t usually stamp on weekend’s but have some loose ends that need to be tied.

Till tomorrow.

PS If you make any tee’s  send us a link!

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My Time Made Easy © LLC

My Time Made Easy

Who I Designed For

Owner/Designer of My Time Made Easy* My Timeless Templates © by Lauren Meader for Papertrey Ink* SCS Dirty Dozen-past* A Chemistry With Paper-past* All That Scraps-Senior Designer - past* Green Grass Stamps-past* Gina K -Stamps for a Cause guest designer* Lizzie Anne Designs - past* My Favorite Things-Senior Designer -past* Our Daily Bread Guest Designer-past* Papertrey Ink - past* Pink Cat Studio- past* Reporter for Craft Critque-past* Say it with Letter Guest Designer* Stampavie -past* Storage Ink & More Guest Designer* Team Member for Scor-Pal*Su Ink & More-Past* Unity Stamps-past* Smile Box Avaitor-past*Numerous guest designer positions

MTME Pretty Patterns Sketch Team

Lauren Meader

About Me

Copyrighted material

All content included on my site is COPYRIGHT ©2013 Lauren Meader. Original artwork is shared for your personal inspiration and enjoyment only and may not be used for publication, submissions, or design contests.

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June 2024

