Archive for the ‘Cards’ Category

Home-made with love

Oct 25, 2009 Author: mytime | Filed under: Cards, JustRite Stampers, Stampavie

Warning: I’m very “chatty” this morning. Not sure why, maybe it’s the coffee 😀 

Hope you are all enjoying the weekend. I’d love to hear what everyone has planned for the week. I like knowing I’m not the only one running like a chicken with her head cut off!!

Alexa returns to school tomorrow. I’m a bit terrified, but I can’t keep her home all winter. The rest of us haven’t gotten sick so that is promising.

Noah has his 3rd birthday party to attend this weekend. I will share the cards I made for those tomorrow. I need to brush up on my BOY themed skills! I’m always ALL GIRL.

Today we are going to get some pumpkins and stuff from our local farm, as I wonder HOW I can clone myself to be in THREE places at once on Friday at the children’s Harvest Parade! Each of my children has a party, and the older 2 participate in a town wide parade, while Amber is at the school in her first parade, that takes place THERE at the SAME time! I’m so torn!!!! I’m actually going to tell the afternoon K teacher about the time conflict and see if she can maybe begin the K parade a tiny bit earlier! I’m sure I’m not the only parent with a child in K and older ones in the school. Doesn’t hurt to ASK. If it can’t be changed I’ll go to Amber’s parade first, then FLY downtown and PRAY I make it to the END of the parade for the older two. Still have no idea HOW I’ll be at three parties. Each child is expecting me to be there. CRAZY!

Jay just got a Snowmobile, which he has to pick up today, as a late birthday gift from me :D, and it appears it is from the husband of one of my local area stampers name Monika!! Small world.

Amber also has her “induction” into Daisies. A younger form of Girl Scouts. That should be cute. She is very excited about it. She made me pick out a “fancy dress” and everything! LOL! I fear she may over-do it, so I’m trying to find something middle of the road. She actually wanted to wear her Sleeping Beauty gown! LOL! I had to say NO! on that for sure.

 Tuesday we are getting our family photos done. We are giving the Target Photo Studio a shot! Cross your fingers!

 I use to be SO good about getting regular professional photos done. Alexa, as a baby had photos every three months!! With Noah we went regularly too. Then poor Amber….getting THREE kids to the photo place and have them ALL look good proved to be too exhausting for me! So things tapered off.  Once Alexa got sick, I got busy, and before you know it, its been 2 years since we have been! THAT is terrible!! I got hardly no photos the first year Alexa was sick. I couldn’t stand reliving that time, and seeing her look the way she did. I’m not sure if I regret that or not. I don’t think I do. I just see there is over a year with LITTLE photos of my kids, and Amber was so young, so I feel like I missed a year of her life. I wanted that time to be put behind us with little “documentation” to relive that difficult time. Having photos of the other 2 shouldn’t have gotten away from us, but it did.

So all that being said, I do take a LOT of photos on my own, so that is good. We are due for a group photo. I hope everyone looks good at the same time! Seems like the more people in ONE photo, the bigger the chance someone isn’t going to look good when everyone else does! LOL! Alexa is shy and is so beyond the camera person waving a stuffed toy in her face to make her smile! She is 10, not 2. So if she won’t look at them or smile it cold be a LONG shoot. I really hope she participates without too much fuss. Noah is in the CHEESY smile phase. Oh and my dark hair! I’m still not use to it, and I’m not sure how I feel about long distance relatives getting a peek at it yet! LOL!

Last but not least, this morning I have been packing Etsy orders from my shop, to go out tomorrow morning! So if you ordered something, it is going postal then!

 I also have some SEWING projects I want to take on once I get my sewing machine back from Jay’s mom. The holiday’s are coming and everything I give will be HOME MADE! (in some way) They are simple projects, like my felt stocking and what not. I like QUICK sewing projects! Nothing too involved.

With the home-made theme going, here is a card I put in my Etsy shop, but had yet to post on my blog….

Home-made with love


When I saw this image from Stampavie called  Home Sweet Home by Helz Cuppleditch I just loved it! I LOVE hearts, and images that contain hearts, so this was SO me! I loved the heart topiary too. Just so cute.

I have issue’s deciding what COLOR I make any house image I create. I usually go with some sort of yellow! LOL!


I had fun coloring this, and while you cannot SEE it, there are stickles on the grass and topiary. Really nice sparkle. I added the same stickles to the flowers I created, along the bottom.

Since this is suppose to be like ‘From our house with love” I added the little rounded tab on the left side. The sentiment is only part of the image from Recipe Borders & Centers Set 1-3/16″  which actually reads “homemade with love”. I didn’t need the entire circle so I only used the 1/2 I wanted. I do that often with these images, and find it helps me maximize their use! I think we should all look at things that way.

Well I have much to do, so I better get running. I’ll be back tomorrow with my BOY cards 😀

Till then

New Digi Trio

Oct 22, 2009 Author: mytime | Filed under: Cards, Pink Cat Studio

I have NO IDEA how Melissa at Pink Cat Studio is keeping up, but she is literally WHIPPING out some FAB Digi Designs! She is making me wish for even MORE crafting time in my day 😀

Today she is releasing THREE. So check them out —->HERE! Ther e is also a contest! Check the –>BLOG

I did get 2 of the 3 images made into a sample for you. Nothing fancy, as my time was slipping away. Been a busy week. (I know I always say that, but it is so true!) I got these late since I had a hour to squeeze something out of 😀

I think seeing things can be quick and simple is nice sometimes too. Knowing you don’t need hours to be creative. Actually there isn’t too much I create that takes a long time. Unless it is the actual template design. Some of those can REALLY be consuming. We have one coming out this month that was my absolute most difficult, ever! I won’t tease you with that now, let’s get to the Digi’s.

This one is Snowflake Fairy


Isn’t she adorable?! I used some stickles, and glittery ribbon from Michael’s Craft store (holiday section). I love purple as a wintery substitute for BLUE! She is just adorable. You cannot see that I spritzed the bkgd with a amethyst as well. Sorry for my photo. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve dropped my photo lighting, and BROKEN the bulbs! They aren’t cheap so I’m so angry with myself.

Purple being my favorite color, is yet my LEAST used color in crafting! Isn’t that weird??? You’d think it would be #1. I have to say it isn’t the EASIEST color to work with either.

My favorite “color” for crafting are various shades of red/ pink, anything with brown, black, and blue’s are used often as well. Now for fave colors to wear, I’m a jeans and anything black or brown! LOL! I will say I have expanded to COLOR in my wardrobe as MUCH as possible the last few months. I especially love TEAL. Now sure why its my new fave, but I just want to buy any sweater/shirt in that color!! I also wear alot of shades of pink/red, like in my crafting.

How about you? Any crafting colors use go to OFTEN?

Not sure why I was so propelled to talk about this! LOL! Just came to me I guess. I think you should challenge yourself to use your LEAST used color/least fave, in a creation today.

Now I have my next card using Santa Owl


I call this one Hooty HO HO HO

I LOVE adding this Razzleberry to Poppy & New Leaf. Its the SU! New color (sorry I don’t recall the name of the pink :C I think its Razzleberry???)

This card is 5  X 6 1/2. I should add a sentiment! I kept the general card SIMPLE since I wanted to FOCUS to be on the UBER cute image. Again  you cannot see the fact that there is “snow” (aka cool gltter) on the ground and in the tree :C I’m so upset about my lighting.

Well I’m off to order MORE bulbs. This time I’m getting 6! They are so expensive! I can’t stand ordering more, but I obviously need them!!

Thanks for popping by!

No peeking…

Oct 21, 2009 Author: mytime | Filed under: Cards, JustRite Stampers, Stampavie

I have to say you ALL know how to make a girl feel good 😀

As for me taking a photo of the quadruple colors in my hair….ARE YOU KIDDING?! Do you think I wanted PHOTO documentation of that?! NO WAY!!!!!

I honestly didn’t expect to get anyone saying they liked the color! LOL! I figured you’d all say OH NO! What now! LOL!!! Its a very big adjustment, but ONE compliment for a WOMAN equal 100 from a man! Thank you all for such a warm response to my hair trauma story. Its been quite the adjustment for me. You all helped me feel better about it.

I’m getting the TRIPLE take from those I know. When people would say WOW! You totally changed your hair!”  I kept saying it was a dye job trauma, and I had no choice, then I quickly explained it to people!! Now I’m just smiling and saying “I needed a change”. So, thank you for letting my confidence build a bit. I guess no one needs to know WHAT really happened, if it looks OK now. You all definitely made me feel better about it.

A lot of people have been shocked that I didn’t BALL. Honestly, the MAIN reason I didn’t cry was because at least my hair didn’t break off, and I remember when Alexa lost her hair to Cancer. She had GORGEOUS, thick, dark hair, down to her waist. We cut it to her shoulders before it fell out, but it still came out it CHUNKS. THAT was one of the hardest things  for me to see. She would just sit on the couch and grab a handful, and look at me with tears in her eyes. Her expressive communication then was harder for her, but she was VERY upset about this. I just told her It is going to be OK. it will grow back. I’d say “You don’t need hair to be beautiful. ” So HOW could I cry after telling her all that?! I had my hair. Wasn’t my favorite color, but I wasn’t sick. I just made a crazy dye mistake. I had to repeat the same words I told her to myself. Granted I didn’t feel beautiful, but I didn’t have Cancer or anything like that.

 I kept wanting I change! LOL! Guess I got it.

Jay says he likes it, its just going to take time to get use to. He does like the style alot, despite the fact he about DIED when I cut my ahir. I told him this is exactly WHY we women get into hair RUTS! You men want us to look the same all the time!! When he came home after work yesterday he was still a little shocked when he saw me again! LOL! Its just SO different. For the 9 years he’s been with me, I’ve always had long blond hair. Granted in my early 20’s it was more healthy and curly.

My kids love it! LOL! Not sure WHY. Amber wants her hair “painted” too. Since THAT comment I have secretly HID all her paints! I know her too well.

 I LOVE the cut and style. In fact I did curl the ends yesterday and it looked REALLY nice 😀 I also have a “Cute” ponytail, and my hair is full of body. I haven’t had much “movement” to my hair in some time, so it feels REALLY good, and yes MODERN! For all that I’m really happy.

MANY people asked WHAT dye I used. I used Loreal. My PROBLEM most likely happened because I tried a different color, since last time I dyed it, it go TOO light on the bottom. I’m NOT blaming the company. I’m sure it was a number of issues, and like most problems USER ERROR!

So thank you again. I feel good about this NEW ME! LOL! Jay said as long as I don’t get a NEW man, he is fine with the NEW ME! LOL!

I’m off the the doctors with the kids today. Alexa will have her follow up to ensure she is recovering from her pneumonia. I’m happy to report (so far) Noah & Amber don’t seem to be sick, nor did they have any reaction to the H1N1 nasal spray, so THANK GOODNESS!!!

Now I promised some eye candy. Sorry I didn’t get to it yesterday! I worked on some eye candy for tomorrow’s post!

Without further delay…….


Don’t Peek!

I think I’m finally getting my card mojo back. It’s hard to go from one design mindset to another. When I’m on a roll designing NEW templates, or creating with the templates, it can be hard to switch to just a FLAT surface again! LOL!

Isn’t this lil guy so cute. Looks like he could be in big trouble too 😀 Not sure if he is wrapping or un-wrapping. Noah has 4 birthday parties over the next 2 weeks! So I needed to make some BOY cards. NO pink in this one 😀 This was Noah Approved! LOL!

When the girls have a party to attend I’m now off the hook, as they make their own cards 😀 Noah, well he is too busy playing with BOY stuff to care about crafting these days.


I got inspired by my patterned paper colors, and just colored away. I usually have my paper picked PRIOR to coloring my images. Makes life easier. When I just color first, it can be harder to complete a project when I try to match evrything up, after the fact.

The “Don’t Peek”sentiment comes from Tiny Words Borders & Centers Set 1-3/16″ . I just used markers to color each letter to match! So simple and CUTE!

This cut dog is named Ruffles: A Present for you! He is from Stampavie  the Helz Cuppleditch collection. I love her stuff.

The paper is a mini stack from Making Memories. I’ve had it forever, and use it often.

I think this came out pretty cute, and BOYISH. I know there is a BOW but go with the GIFT theme. I also made sure my bow matched the bow in my image. Its a little detail but I found it to be important.

Well once again, thanks for stopping by!! I’ll be back tomorrow with some NEW! Release images from PCS!

Until then

Today I have a card to share-posted after my rambling!

What an exhausting night we had. I was up almost 24 hours. It’s amazing when MOMMY ENERGY kicks in.

Yesterday Alexa left the house at 5pm to go to her biological father’s house. His wife picked her up, and they went to the Outback for dinner. Quickly after eatting Alexa got white as a ghost, and said she needed to lay down, and wanted a “bucket”. Basically she felt nauseous. Kim felt her head and she was burning up! So she took her to their house where she went STRAIGHT to bed. His wife called me at 9pm to tell me what was up. Me, knowing how quick Alexa goes from her usual self, to CRASHING said we needed to get her to our area hospital.

They wanted to just keep her there and let her sleep, but I can’t have my “baby” be sick and NOT with me. I would be a wreak, and I know her too well to know this is “nothing”.

 They live over a hour away-and honestly the hospitals in that area are HORRIBLE! I spent many years for HOURS in their ER waiting rooms with Alexa having a 104 fever as a BABY! Anyway, I NEEDED her with me, and in a place that knows her, and her history! She can LOOK “OK” but be REALLY sick. It’s really strange.

Anyway-we get to the ER, which was full :C I was a bit nervous we’d get stuck there for a while. I had brought Alexa a face mask too, so SHE wouldn’t pick up anything more than she had.

Her father got there before me, and began filling stuff out. I put in HUGE letters CANCER REMISSION. That is a huge RED FLAG that we shouldn’t be stuck in the ER any longer than necessary! THANKFULLY maybe 5 minutes later we were in the back. Alexa was as white as sheet. Overall though she didn’t look THAT bad. Again that is a weird thing with her.

Anyway, I have to say I had the most AMAZING group of people treating her. I can’t even count the number of ER visits and hospitalizations we have had in our 10 years, but these people-EVERY SINGLE ONE was so amazing. They were so nice, efficient and just genuinely caring. They treated Alexa so well too. To the point where I am actually going to write a letter on each and every person we had dealings with. To have such a amazing TEAM when your child is sick, means so much to me.

What I liked most was that they actually LISTENED to me and my take on her! Plus there is a LOT to take in. She has had a LOT go on in her 10 years, including showing up at an ER seemingly sick but not too bad, only to get progressively worse and sent by Ambulance to a larger hospital.

They thought she “sounded” OK in her lungs.  I told them that she can sound OK, but will often have a creeping pneumonia. Well we were sent right to xray! Low and behold, yes! We have pneumonia in BOTH lungs! The doctor was shocked but said “You know her best! You’ve been through a lot with her, so who am I to say otherwise, and you were right. I never would have said she had pneumonia, and by tomorrow we’d most likely be in BIG trouble.” It is NOT often you meet doctors who are willing to actually HEAR you, without a fight, or second guessing you. And I was right ! LOL! Sadly on top of that Alexa also has the Flu. Not good. Now she is on Tamiful and Zithromax. After not getting home till almost 5am, I had to bring her back to the doctors at 10am.

She already had her flu shot too, about 2-3 weeks ago.

We got Noah and Amber the H1N1, but obviously Alexa can’t get that, yet. She will also need her pneumovax.

Anyway, I’m just sharing. I’m a little freaked with the whole FLU dangers and whatnot, but am just trusting God will watch over her and the rest of our family. Its a bit scary.

On another note…..thought I’d share a recent card I made, that makes me happy! LOL! I need happy. I decided that I’m going to send this to the team at the hospital, that made my night nothing but pleasant, considering the circumstances!


A gift for you

I think this image is just beyond sweet.I am in LOVE with the Gillian Robertsline from Stampavie. Each one is adorable, but THIS one is my favorite, so far.  Maybe because it reminds me of something I bought recently. I  purchased a stuffed Dog (I bought like 5!) named Colby, from KAY Jewelers. (It inspired my entire design) Part of the proceeds ($7 to be exact) from EVERY sale benefit St. Jude Children’s Cancer Research!! So if there is a KAY near you, you can buy the SUPER cute Colby dog too, for a good cause! I have to say I was VERY disappointed to NOT see this promotion on their site, and the ONLY thing I could find to share, that showed you the dog and the promotion was THIS!


Doesn’t Colby look just like this bear? I know! Colby is a dog, but to me they look alike 😀 This image  is Bear & Robin. I colored him with my Copic markers. If you don’t own these yet…WHY?! I love my Copic’s. Use them EVERYDAY! LOVE. I honestly can’t even consider coloring with anything else. I totally feel they are worth every EXPENSIVE penny spent 😀 I also used the colorless blender to get my hat pattern. I added a pom pom, and made the hat cuff 3D as is the bird. You cannot see it but the “snow” on the ground is a really pretty glitter I got in the KIDS section at Michael’s! DON’T buy those LITTLE tubes of glitter in the stamp/scrapbook section of your craft store! They are overpriced! Go to check out the KID craft section FIRST, where you get a HUGE bottle, at about the same cost (sometimes cheaper) as a TINY bottle. I swear it’s the SAME stuff.

I also airbrushed my sky. Then I dotted my background with my Singlo white gel pen. I had this silver snowflake “table” confetti from Target last year, and it makes the BEST card accents!! I can’t recall who makes the paper :C Sorry.

Well that is all for me. Sorry I was quite long winded.YIKES! LOL!

Thanks for hanging in. In the meantime I hope you and your family are happy & healthy during this terrible season of germs!

It’s all about style

Oct 16, 2009 Author: mytime | Filed under: Cards, JustRite Stampers

Hi everyone!

I want to say thanks for all the beading tip, links and emails. I still have so many to sort though-but thank you too, in advance. I purchased the hearts for my keychains (in prev. post) at A.C. Moore. As for the beading stuff…..WOW! Am I ever OVERWHELMED! LOL!!! I’m sure Ill sort through everything and figure it out…..eventually! So much to know. I guess that is how most people feel when they start stamping. I don’t remember feeling that, but I have heard so many others say that when I’ve been at the craft store, or at a stamping event. Maybe I will take a class at my local bead store! I like learning new things.

I have been SOOOOOO busy my head is spinning. The stress FINALLY caught up with me and gave me a 2 day migraine. NICE. I decided that I can’t let stress rule my life, so I got off the couch and down to my stamp cave 😀 Once I got stamping my migraine suddenly vanished!! Maybe it was my long computers hours that were KILLING my brain! I actually came up with a FAB project-I’m in LOVE! But, I am saving it for my PTI newsletter 😀 I think you will agree its worth the wait.

On a side note MANY emails asked IF and WHEN I would update my Etsy Shop! Yes, I have stuff from here for like the last 3 months! I’ve just been busy and need to take a few days of REST! Plus I like to ship ASAP so I need to make sure I’m free to pack and ship in a timely manner. I have a lot going on here (behind the scenes) and its just been GO! GO! GO! I will let you all know when I actually get stuff listed.

Anyway……I needed to just play for the day, so I reached for my UBER cute Greeting Farm Girl-Miss Anya

I have had this set for longer than I care to admit. It was time to ink’er up


I LOVE this unusual color combo with this image. You see typically I would go all GIRLY with my colors, but I went with this combo instead. Again, I needed and change.

Spring Rain, Enchanted Evening, and Pure Poppy-with touches of Smokey Shadow. Very cool.

I created my sidewalk —> check out my “how to” video for that, and used an OLD A Muse candy shop image as a store. I KNOW the store is tiny, and my “idea” was to have it be in the distance…….but now it just looks like a tiny store! LOL! OH WELL! Win some, lose some! I still loved the card.


Its kind of Sailor Girl isn’t it?

I used the sentiment “Its all about style” from Birthday Wishes Borders & Centers Set 2-3/8″ ! I loved the sentiment and the font.

Now, get this-for my project the curve of the size it us suppose to be was too big……………so…………… I took the rounded image and put it in their smaller round block ,of course it didn’t REALLY fit the whole thing, so I just made sure the part I wanted was locked in, and inked up! Then stamped it. I then punched it out with my circle punch. Now I can’t recall what size it was!(  Sorry! I Told you-migraine!! )But I loved that it worked.

SO that is all for me tonight.

Thank you for stopping by

October Papertrey Ink Release

Oct 14, 2009 Author: mytime | Filed under: Cards, Papertrey Newsletter

Hi world 😀

Figured I’d share quickly my creations (what is left anyway :D) from the October Papertrey Ink Release here with you today!  Now you can download the NEWEST! My Timeless Templates: Around Town Tote & Cash or Charge Trio!!

 I know many get so excited to FINALLY order, that you may not even think to check the gallery 😀 The girls really went all out this month. I know I have had days of posts FULL of eye candy! So if you may have missed something be sure to scroll on down 😀

I know I always get the Papertrey hangover! My creativity get drained and takes a nose dive for at least a WEEK! I just pour everything out into my work for the countdown. That then gives me time to do my other “non-crafty” stamp related stuff, that requires computer time instead. OR I usually end up doing a REALLY good whole house clean out, each month 😀 Keeps my house clean and organized all month long, without too much clutter.

Things I am loving, that help me keep my house clean DAILY-Swiffer Wet Jet! LOVE that thing! How I ever lived without it is beyond me 😀 I EASILY wash all my floors every night 😀 Plus Im not using the same dirty mop to push old dirt around-YUCK!

Then the Pledge disposeable duster thingy’s??? OH MY! They are so easy, and help you keep everything dust free without a lot of work. When you are done, chuck it in the trash! With allergies, and being in the house all winter, dusting is a good thing. My house is dust free most days now! I just do a daily sweep, then a really good weekly one. Makes the house automatically appear clean. I love it.

Now if you like stamping, MORE than cleaning…..check out —> THIS POST <—so you can have the BEST of both worlds-a clean house and creative time 😀

OK enough rambling…..

First up-

Dazzling Holiday Ornament


I’m in LOVE with Kraft, Chocolate and this Baha Breeze.

I have to say I LOVED this card! It was simple, and yet that ribbon (found at Michael’s in the Christmas section :D) really made it POP! I pulled the sequins off the ribbon to create the same 0000000 bling across my ornament. Just SO pretty.


The ornament in the back is just stamped in versmark, with the chocolate band. I added some bling to that too.

Easy peasy! You could make this SAME layout in MANY colors variations for a cool assortment!

This set make a quick holiday card not only easy, but FAB!
Stamps: Vintage Ornaments, Holiday Button Bits (strings)
Cardstock: White,  Kraft, Dark Chocolate, Aqua Mist, Teal
Ink:dark chocolate, aqua mist,versamark
Ribbon-craft store
adhesive rhinestones

Celebrate the Season


This is Heather’s set-Holiday Tree. Its a really cute tree 😀 I told you I’m on a BLACK kick 😀 I know there is little black, but red, black and green just make me happy.

Talk about WHIPPING up a card! It doesn’t get any easier than this!! This would be another FAB holiday card! QUICK and EASY!

I think we ALL used this image too! I just stamped and colored my tree, then drew a border using a ruler and marker tip. There is a snowy, glittered ground too.


Stamps: Holiday Tree
Cardstock: White
Ink:Black, Pure Poppy, Copic Markers
Ribbon: Pure Poppy Twill
other: Marker, ruler, 2 way glue pen, Prisma Glitter

Well that is it for my countdown samples.  I’ll be back with the last release samples using my NEW! templates.

Thank you for stopping by 😀

Tonight is the release at Papertrey Ink! Are you excited? I know I am.

On the 15th you can now get all the new releases, as well as download my 2 NEWEST templates: Around Town Tote & the Cash or Charge Trio.

(they will appear on the site after midnight!)


Just in time for the big day, our entire team at Papertrey Inkhas come together to create various holiday cards. This was a very popular assignment last year, and we hope you enjoy it just as much this year. I know I had a total blast (despite my loathing mass production! LOL!) creating my version of a holiday card this year.

This should definitely spark the holiday mood, and get you ready to pull out the supplies 😀

I fell in love with the snowman from 2009 Holiday Button Bits (and I’m sure I won’t be alone (wink), and just *had* to use it for my holiday cards!

Sweet as Snow


I personally love fun colors, and layers on my creations, so I hope you like my take on the holiday card challenge.

While my card is detailed, it didn’t take long to get these 5 done (thankfully)!


Here are my five cards, assembled like a holiday tree!

If you decide you want to use my layout for your own cards, Nichole made each of us a file for everything you need to recreate 25 cards!

Complete with supplies and step by step instruction!

Here is the download info —>  Lauren Let it Snow PDF

Thank you to Nichole for doing that for everyone 😀

Here is a bit of a closer look


The snowman doesn’t NEED a button to be totally cute! I felt like her arms stretched out, just said “let it snow!”!! So I went with that!  I won’t go into a ton of detail because you can just get that from the download 😀

Now I thought I would take this SAME layout, and make some gift packaging for my Sweet as Snow set!


Here it is!

For those of you who THINK you cannot easily create 3 dimensional items, this is the PERFECT example that you can!

I knew I would want to create a package of some sort, to present these cards in….so using the SAME supplies, same size, and layout…..instead of making another card, I just put the trio layer onto the front of my large Around Town Tote! YEAH! Yet, another FAB way to present card sets 😀


I just slid them into a clear card case, with 5 envelopes, and they were ready to go!

(there is a lot of filler in there, so they stick out the top!!)

You could of course ALSO use my card box template : Captured Card Case too!!


My Timeless Template: Around Town Tote
Stamps: Holiday Button Bits, 2009 Holiday Tag (sentiment)
Cardstock:kraft, white, hibiscus burst, sweet blush, vellum
Ink:black, copic
hibiscus polka dot ribbon
Liquid applique, 2 way glue pen, paper piercer, glitter
Marvy snowflake& tag punch, Martha Stewart punch , swiss dots folder

Now make sure you hop on over to Nichole’s Blog for ALL the amazing idea’s from the designer’s !!

I hope you like my holiday version 😀 It was really fun for me.

 I have MORE to share tomorrow, so I hope to see you back here then.

Thank you for stopping by!

PCS Itty Bitty Christmas Release

Oct 13, 2009 Author: mytime | Filed under: Cards, Pink Cat Studio

Well the Pink Cat Stamp release is here!

Now you can FINALLY get your hands on Itty Bitty Christmas!


Check out Melissa’s blog  for a plethora of amazing samples from the team 😀 I was drooling over that the team put together! The whole set is just beyond CUTE!!

I have one more sample for you as well

You’re Sweet


I loved the little elf couple!

I made this for my hubby as a “just because” card. Granted he was puzzled as to WHY I was using CHRISTMAS images in October! You THINK he’d get it, after years of me designing for companies, that THIS is the “holiday” season! LOL!

Well now you don’t have to wait to put in your order and make your own holiday cards-or “sweet” cards 😀

Thanks for stopping by!

PCS Itty Bitty Christmas Peek day #2

Oct 12, 2009 Author: mytime | Filed under: Cards, Pink Cat Studio

This is post #1 of #3 today! So make sure you catch ALL of them!

I am just LOVIN the newest release to come from Pink Cat Studio 😀 It is called Itty Bitty Christmas. The release is TOMORROW! Yeah! One more day to wait 😀

When Melissa was designing this set I begged for a Gingerboy 😀 She was such a sweetie to oblige my request 😀

So here he is……


How CUTE is he???

When I began stamping him I saw this tag I had been HOARDING from a K & Co Christmas stack (from last year). I KNEW he was the perfect purge for my coveted tag! I actually used ALL the same elements on all my creations this release! Not sure WHY I’m on this “use the same stuff of several different things” kick, but its workin great 😀

I then decided to purge another tag on this cutie patootie

Elf Surprise


He is just beyond fun!

Aren’t they just so cute? I tell you Melissa makes my “job” so easy every month!!!

Check out Melissa’s blog for all the designers samples D

Be back tomorrow with another sample and the set for you to view in its entirety!

Thanks for stopping by.

Itty Bitty Christmas, and a NEW Challenge Blog!!

Oct 11, 2009 Author: mytime | Filed under: Cards, Pink Cat Studio

Happy Monday! 

Well today it is time for a peek at the latest and greatest release from Pink Cat Studio Stamps 😀

I am so excited to share a new release this month called Itty Bitty Christmas!

These sets will be available on Wednesday Oct 14th!

I have 2 samples to share today!

First up-O’Christmas Tree


How cute is she? I feel like I’m always saying that! LOL! Its so true though.

I went with the expected Christmas combo-and I like it 😀 I used some OLD stripped paper to tie in my colors here, and a tag from K&Co. last year’s paper stack. I usually hoard stuff I love, but it was TIME to say bye! bye!


I think it was finally put to good use!

This was made during my mojo rut :C So again she was simple and cute.

Next up I have Fairy Christmas


her candy-cane wings just crack me up! Same colors here. Nothin fancy! She was cute enough.

I pierced a swirly fairy trail, and added some snowflakes.

The border is a Martha punch. I love red, pink, new leaf, and gray all together. So bright, cheery and FUN!

Well this isn’t the last of the samples by far!

Check out Melissa’s blog for all the designers samples 😀

AND get this! 2 of my best friends are this month’s Guest Designers!!

Tracey & MacKenzie


So check out their work too!
Tracey’s comments about me got me all teary! Hugs to you my friend 😀 You are the best!

 On another note: You may have noticed (or not) that I haven’t had a My Time to Create Challenge in a couple of weeks. After MUCH agonizing I realized that I HAD to stop my challenges here. I am just to stretched thin these days. I meant to post something sooner, but have had more going on than anyone even knows. All good stuff!!!! Just stuff I can’t really share yet. That being said……I don’t have the appropriate time to dedicate to that and everything else. Sometimes we need to cut back, and prioritize! It is hard to have to stop something or say NO! but the time has come where I have other things (all stamping related :D) that are filling that space right now. I have many goals (and limited time) and a family to tend to. My kids are older and the demands are greater (that is not a complaint :D-just a fact). So that being said I had to end the challenges here.

I will still have the occasional challenge or something…but nothing weekly!!!

Now-my dear friends have decided to not only continue the challenges, but kick it up a few notches!!! They have all dedicated a blog and everything to it! It is called Just Us Girls and you can find them —-> HERE!! Seriously FUN! So check it out. I’m so proud of each of them and hope to support them in any way I can. They are each SO talented and fabulous! I’m happy to call them my friends. What can I say? They just ROCK!

 Now one last announcement!!

I am taking part in sponsoring a HUGE giveaway for a GREAT cause!!! You will REALLY want to check this out —->HERE!!!!

So thank you for stopping by! More to come tomorrow!

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My Time Made Easy © LLC

My Time Made Easy

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Owner/Designer of My Time Made Easy* My Timeless Templates © by Lauren Meader for Papertrey Ink* SCS Dirty Dozen-past* A Chemistry With Paper-past* All That Scraps-Senior Designer - past* Green Grass Stamps-past* Gina K -Stamps for a Cause guest designer* Lizzie Anne Designs - past* My Favorite Things-Senior Designer -past* Our Daily Bread Guest Designer-past* Papertrey Ink - past* Pink Cat Studio- past* Reporter for Craft Critque-past* Say it with Letter Guest Designer* Stampavie -past* Storage Ink & More Guest Designer* Team Member for Scor-Pal*Su Ink & More-Past* Unity Stamps-past* Smile Box Avaitor-past*Numerous guest designer positions

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Lauren Meader

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All content included on my site is COPYRIGHT ©2013 Lauren Meader. Original artwork is shared for your personal inspiration and enjoyment only and may not be used for publication, submissions, or design contests.

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