Hi everyone

No additional eye candy today, besides my post at JustRite Stampers (see post below). Im feeling so sick today and can barely sit up. I have a terrible cold, and sore throat. Pounding headache. One word-BLAH!

But I did forget to share some things (OOPS!)


OOPS! I forgot to let you all know about this Check it out HERE!


Also every Wednesday there is a challenge! Check this weeks out HERE!

AND Drumroll…………………….


Details HERE!!

Also ATS issues weekly challenges as well! Check them out HERE! 

The kids go back to school next Wednesday so that means I may actually get to play along! YEAH! MY TIME!!!


 Its my blog so Im going to share this non-informative, shout out to myself anyway! LOL!!

 I have been working out everyday and eatting well. Avoiding ONE temptation at a time. Not looking at the BIG picture. Kind of like an exercise AA program! LOL! One day at a time.

In a week and a half I have lost a size! I don’t know about the pounds because I thankfully don’t own a scale. I think I’ll just go buy clothing, so I don’t get obsessed with the numbers! I did measure myself today since I am starting a new workout program (hopefully tomorrow if I can stand), and I would like to see what results I get from it. I also have to say seeing the numbers of myself is HORRIFYING!!! It will definitely help me resist that Caramelo bar or bag of twizzlers!! Maybe I should paste them to the fridge? Um, no. maybe not.

SO…………YEAH!!! I went to buy something for the wedding I have this weekend, and while I still look hideous, I look better than I did last week! LOL!  So I feel really good about that. I am seeing results of my hard work.

I guess my point is, if you have a goal SEE IT, DO IT, LIVE IT!! No matter what it is. Everything takes hard work, but if you put in the effort you can do anything. I have done this with many OTHER areas of my life and had much success with that mentality. I am truly determined this time around. If I can get through a child with cancer, I can work hard to lose a few pounds. I have done it before, then had more kids, and the list of excuses goes on and on.

 I just had to share with you. I know many of you are struggling with this too. So thanks for “listening”.

Enjoy the day.