Thank you ALL for the warm wishes, prayers and emails!

We are now home-SNIP! SNIP! DONE! It was quick-we were there a whopping 2 hours.

WHEW! They don’t put them “under” deep. They use gas to put them “out” then inject the “area” with a pain blocker, therefore lessening the anesthesia risk, and allowing a quicker recovery after.

Noah was AMAZING and brave. He didn’t even care for us to follow him into the surgical area. I think the kids having so much experience with Alexa and hospitals has really proven to be a very POSITIVE experience in our family, as he was fine with EVERYTHING!

I often worried if it would make the kids PARANOID about doctors and hospitals, but it had the complete opposite affect. Thank Goodness!!

The staff was AMAZING to Noah and the girls, sending them off with a new book and some toys to entertain-also some yummy treats while we waited. A super experience.

Once Noah woke up everything was good, till he had to move.

I saw his “area” and I don’t have a boy part, but I swear I could FEEL the pain as if I did, just looking at it-OUCH! Pretty swollen. He has been pretty emotional so far, but I think we will be OK.

Im amazed at HOW MUCH ointment needs to be put on that thing over the next 4 WEEKS!!!!!!!! WOW!! Lots of care for the boy part! LOL!

They said it was good he wasn’t done as a baby because (something related to his anatomy) would have left him with a “hook” boy part, which would have required revision now anyway! And a hook isn’t a good thing at all. Now that he is older it was easy to see and make sure it ended up STRAIGHT and “perfect” I guess.

SO YEAH!! for that.

 I DID make Noah a card! He made sure to ask me too! LOL! How could I NOT!

He wanted “Noah holding a dinosaur in blue” AKA Dress up Billy. I’ll share that this weekend after we settle in.

So lets hope the meds work enough for him.

I think so far it WILL be a LONG weekend.

Im just happy and thankful everything went well, and pray we do everything right , so we don’t have any complications-like an adhesion.

I have to say I was proud of him for being so brave.

What warms my heart even more, is my girls catering to him and running around doing things to make him MORE comfortable. Asking if he wants or needs anything. Another thing they learned through Alexa getting sick.

My kids see their sibling getting sick and they will grab and hold the puke bucket for each-other! THAT amazes me. One will get a cold washcloth, while the other helps the puker. Alexas Cancer, I feel, made them so compassionate towards each-other (despite killing each-other everyday! LOL!) when it counts they are there for one another. Makes me so happy to see that.

I have hope they will all be so close and caring towards one another as they grow up, and become wonderful spouses, and parents! At least good and decent people in a crazy world. That is every mom’s hope I think.

At least I like to believe thats part of what our Cancer trials brought! LOL!

Thanks for reading.

Off to care for my boy.