While blog hopping-(something I RARELY get to do), I found this idea on Julie’s Blog. It is to find your word, to describe what you want in 2008!

It originated at Ali Edwards blog, from what I understand. Its like follow the link, to the link, to the link! LOL!

My word is ACHIEVE!

If you know me this is not shocking. I think its what I want for 2008. To me it has many meanings. I think it best describes what I want in life as whole.

Here is the dictionary version

A verb
achieve, accomplish, attain, reach
  to gain with effort; “she achieved her goal despite setbacks

a·chieve play_w(“A0053600”)


v. a·chieved, a·chiev·ing, a·chieves


1. To perform or carry out with success; accomplish. See Synonyms at perform.

2. To attain with effort or despite difficulty. See Synonyms at reach.


To accomplish something successfully; perform at a standard or above standard level: skills needed to achieve in school.

I also love this word because it says- despite difficulty, and above standard level.

I think it’s important to continue to better your best. I don’t mean that in a competitive way. I don’t feel I need to “compete” or compare. I am who I am, and am only interested in beating out myself. To continue to strive to become the best LAUREN I can be.

I believe in hard work, bumps in the road, and pushing past obstacles. That is what gives us strength, character , confidence and accomplishment.

I have many goals for 2008- for my family, personal health, my children, and career.

So if you could only use ONE-What is YOUR word?

Ill be back tomorrow to share a MFT Sneak Peek!